How to Use Dog Bones Safely

Posted on Aug 11th 2022

Bones are famously associated with dogs, but they can present serious health and safety issues when used incorrectly. Before you throw your dog a bone, here are a few tips on how to use dog bones safely.

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Leash Laws: What They Are and Why They're Important

Posted on Jul 7th 2022

Sometimes leash laws can feel frustrating, and you might ask yourself, "why can't I just let my dog be a dog and run around?" But leash laws exist to keep dogs and everyone else safe. Read on to learn more about leash laws and why they matter for you, your dog, and everyone else.

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Summer Health Tips for Your Dog

Posted on Jun 7th 2022

Here at Dog Training Elite in Raleigh / Cary, we know that summer is the perfect time to adventure with your dog. However, summer can also be dangerous for dogs. Follow our tips to keep your dog happy and healthy during the dog days of summer.

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How to Prepare for a Pet Sitter

Posted on Mar 29th 2022

Once you’ve found a sitter you and your dog get along with, you can move onto the next — most important — part: preparing your home and your dog for your time away.

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5 Ways to Prepare Your Dog for Spring

Posted on Mar 7th 2022

Ah, spring. That wonderful time of year when the flowers begin blooming, the sun sets later than 7 p.m., the birds sing and…your dog sheds more than ever. Here are some tips and tricks from Dog Training Elite in Raleigh / Cary to prepare your pet for spring!

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