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5 Ways to Prepare Your Dog for Spring

Posted on Mar 7th 2022


5 Ways to Prepare Your Dog for Spring

Ah, spring. That wonderful time of year when the flowers begin blooming, the sun sets later than 7 p.m., the birds sing and…your dog sheds more than ever.

That's right! Spring is the time of year when dogs tend to shed the most, getting rid of excess fur and making way for a thinner, lighter coat for spring and summer.

To keep shedding under control and preserve your own sanity, brush your dog regularly. Depending on the type of coat your dog has, you may want to get a specific type of brush. After brushing, give your dog their own spring cleaning with a bath! Oh, and make sure your vacuum is up to the task.

Now that you've got your dog's shedding under control (or at least, you've tried to get it under control), here are five more ways you can prepare your dog for spring and warmer weather:

Protect Against Fleas, Ticks and Heartworm

If you use medicine to prevent fleas, ticks and heartworm all year long, skip to the next suggestion. If not, it's time to start the process.

As the weather warms up, pests come out and you'll likely be spending more time outdoors. Fleas and ticks are difficult to remove once they're in your dog's coat, which is why it's important to try and prevent these parasites from attacking your dog. Consult your vet about what medicines are right for your dog.

Dog at vet getting checked by owner for their springtime health in Philadelphia.

See Your Vet

Speaking of consulting with your vet, when was the last time you and your dog visited? Dogs should have at least one checkup a year, and springtime is a perfect time to do it. Some other ways to check on your dog’s health are to make sure their vaccines are updated, and schedule a teeth cleaning.

Take Care of Any Other Updates

Besides vaccines, now is a great time to make sure your do's license, microchip and any other important documentation is up to date.

Smiling dog feeling happy about his physical health in Philadelphia.

Check Your Yard

If you live in an area which has a lot of snow or ice during the wintertime, there may be some maintenance to take care of. Make sure there are no holes in your fence your dog could escape through, and no weak points or other hazards that were buried under the snow that could harm your dog.

Ease Into the Outdoors

If you kept your rigorous dog walking schedule all through the dark days of winter, we tip our hats to you. If either you or your dog preferred to stay indoors where it's warm — we see you. If that's the case, ease back into a regular walking and exercise routine with your dog.

It's likely you didn't take any trips to the dog park either, and your dog may get overwhelmed entering a crowded space again. Take lots of treats with you to help your dog stay calm and obedient in the outdoors — or, sign up for a group obedience class at Dog Training Elite Philadelphia in Philadelphia which can help both of you socialize in a safe and comfortable environment.

Dog running in an open field getting used to being outdoors again in Philadelphia.

Finally, if the doldrums of winter caused your dog to learn some bad habits, you can also contact Dog Training Elite in Philadelphia to have a trainer work one-on-one with you and your dog to brush up on training and reestablish good habits.

Enjoy the warmer weather!