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Proven Benefits of Dog Ownership

Posted on Feb 22nd 2021


Proven Benefits of Dog Ownership

There is a reason that dogs are considered "man's best friend." Their loyalty, devotion, and silly antics keep us smiling all day long. Our furry friends offer a feeling of peace and comfort that is hard to find anywhere else. We all know that big, round puppy eyes are enough to make anyone's heart melt, but science tells us that there are various other benefits that dogs provide us.

Constant Companionship

Dogs are the only friends that always have time for you. When our friends and family are caught up in their day to day, dogs are always by our side. Studies show that dog ownership greatly reduces feelings of loneliness. As dogs are often used as emotional support animals, their constant companionship has been shown to effectively reduce feelings of anxiety and depression as well. Those that suffer from social isolation or people that just want a buddy that will always tag along can benefit greatly from the friendship of a canine companion.

Heart Health

Stress is considered a key threat to cardiovascular health. Whether it's because of their cuteness or simply their devoted attention, dogs are well-known stress reducers. Studies that date back as far as the 1950s and as recently as today have shown that dog ownership reduces stress and lowers blood pressure levels.

Reduced Stress

As stated above, dogs are effective in reducing stress. Simply their presence alone is enough to calm nerves, but studies also show that petting dogs can lower blood pressure, slow overactive heart rate, calm breathing, and relax muscle tension. Therapy dogs can be trained to effectively lower fear and anxiety in those that suffer from PTSD, autism, and other mental health issues.

Staying Fit

Dogs are active animals and need constant stimulation and exercise to lead happy, healthy lives. Those that struggle with living a healthy lifestyle can make positive changes by adopting a dog. Studies have shown that dog owners are more likely to lead a physically active lifestyle. From long walks in the neighborhood to frisbee in the park, being active with your dog is a great way to improve physical health and reduce stress.


The various benefits of dog ownership lead to overall increased happiness. Dogs encourage physical activity, reduce loneliness, improve our social lives, minimize stress, and provide unconditional love. If that isn't enough to make you jump with joy, studies have also shown that just looking into a dog's eyes can increase levels of oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone."

No matter your reasoning for adopting a dog, you can rest assured that it will be a positive relationship. Through thick and thin, our four-legged pals are always there by our side. To get the most out of your relationship with your new dog, professional dog training is important. Obedience training and puppy basics teach your dog commands that will keep him safe and healthy so you two can enjoy a friendship for the years to come.

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