A happy, well trained dog from Dog Training Elite, your trusted source for dog training in Frisco, TX
Dog Training Elite Frisco star

Donde La Educación
y La Excelencia se Unen

Métodos de élite. Resultados de élite.

Dog Training Elite Frisco

We offer in Home & Facility Training Options
4747 4th Army Dr.
Frisco, TX 75034
Dog Training Elite Frisco

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El Arte de Adiestramiento Canino

Transforma a tu cachorro con Dog Training Elite

En Dog Training Elite Frisco, no solo somos entrenadores de perros, somos tus aliados en la creación de una vida más feliz y armoniosa con tu querido compañero canino. A través de programas cuidadosamente diseñados y entrenadores expertos, Dog Training Elite garantiza que cada cachorro desarrolle habilidades excepcionales.

Como la mejor opción para la modificación de comportamiento para perros en Frisco, estamos dedicados a transformar a tu peludo amigo en un campeón de obediencia y un compañero fiel para tu familia.

Nuestra Historia

Dog Training Elite Frisco

Somos una empresa familiar de adiestramiento canino con más de 40 años de experiencia, especializada en fortalecer la conexión entre tu perro y tú.

Nuestros programas son flexibles y están diseñados para adaptarse a las necesidades de cada cliente y al comportamiento único de tu perro. Ofrecemos entrenamiento canino a domicilio, obediencia básica, entrenamiento avanzado y programas especializados como: Animal de Servicio, Perro de Terapia y Protección Personal.

Sin importar la raza, tamaño o problema de comportamiento, nuestros Frisco entrenadores de perros están aquí para ayudarte.

Sobre nosotros

Nuestros Servicios

Modificación del comportamiento

Miedo y reactividad, mordeduras, ladridos y más.

Programas de entrenamiento

Obediencia, servicio, clases grupales y más.

Nuestro equipo

La solución a los problemas de comportamiento de tus mascotas.

¡Estamos listos para nuestras grandes transformaciones!

Queridos papás perrunos, somos el escuadrón de los traviesos, también conocidos como los creadores del caos canino. Hemos mordido zapatos, cavado huecos y reclamado tu casa como nuestro propio dominio personal, alejándote más con cada travesura que cometemos. No solo se trata de accidentes en el entrenamiento para ir al baño; ¡hemos destacado en causar todo tipo de conmoción!

Pero aquí va lo bueno: ¡estamos dispuestos a aprender y listos para nuestra gran transformación! Ayúdanos a ser las buenas mascotas con las que siempre has soñado al contratar a Dog Training Elite. Ellos nos guiarán con métodos de entrenamiento positivos, convirtiéndonos en los perritos bien portados y ejemplares que mereces. ¡Emprendamos juntos este viaje de felicidad y obediencia sin límites!

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Mi problema:
mala socialización
Me llamo Milo
Hola. Me llamo Milo, verás, me encanta hacer nuevos amigos, pero cuando se trata de conocer a otros perros, me siento un poco abrumado. Creo que me gustaría salir más, a ver si así me voy acostumbrando y ya cada vez será más natural para mí hacer nuevos amigos.
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Mi problema:
mordiscos y mordeduras
Me llamo Scout
Hola a todos, me llamo Scout, y tengo la pequeña costumbre de morder, digo pequeña porque no es todo el tiempo. La verdad es que yo soy muy amoroso y feliz, pero a veces, mi emoción me supera y terminó con un mordisquito o dos y woof! La gente se asusta. Me gustaría aprender a no morder para que los demás se sientan seguros a mi alrededor.
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Mi problema:
agresión por miedo
Me llamo Zuko
Hola… yo me asusto cuando los extraños se acercan a mí, así que trato de ahuyentarlos para protegerme, a veces gruño, a veces ladro y así se van. Pero me he dado cuenta que esto preocupa a mis papás y me gustaría intentar hacer nuevos amigos y así estar todos más tranquilos, pero a veces mis instintos protectores me superan. ¿Pueden ayudarme?
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Mi problema:
ansiedad por separación
Me llamo Nora
Soy Nora, y escuché a los humanos hablando que estoy en el proceso de enfrentar algo llamado "ansiedad por separación." Yo ni sabía que eso tenía nombre. Pero ahora entiendo, es por eso que me pongo muy nerviosa cuando mis queridos humanos salen de casa. Me gustaría sentirme más segura por mi cuenta pero woof! Es que ¡los extraño tanto cuando se van!
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Mi problema:
Me llamo Link
¡Guau! Soy Link, y tengo un problemita pequeño, tengo una tendencia a ladrar más de lo necesario. Mis papás me trajeron aquí y me siento muy afortunado, quiero mantener la armonía en el ambiente pero a veces, simplemente no me puedo resistir a algunos sonidos o la llamada de la naturaleza o a la ardilla en la cerca del vecino, o algunos autos. ¿Hay alguna manera de quitar este impulso?
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Mi problema:
quieto y ven
Me llamo Dexter
Soy Dexter, confieso que cuando se trata de los comandos de "quieto" y "ven” mi espíritu aventurero y salvaje me lleva a desviarme, pero no lo hago con intención, es solo cuando estos comandos están en juego. Realmente me haría feliz aprender a escuchar y entender y así no meterme en problemas woof!
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Mi problema:
morder y cavar
Me llamo Charlie
Soy Charlie, y tengo un hobbie, aunque los humanos creen que es un problema: tengo mucha pasión por morder y cavar de manera destructiva. No me resisto a la tentación de morder muebles, puertas; a veces desenterrar tesoros ocultos del jardín y los traigo de vuelta a casa y la verdad es que yo sólo estoy probando la poderosa fuerza de mi mandíbula, mis dientes y además trayendo tesoros a casa! No entiendo por qué eso está mal. ¿Algún humano por aquí disponible para que me explique?
A line of dogs at one of Dog Training Elite group training classes.

Ofrecemos Clases Grupales

Habilidades Sociales y Desarrollo Continuo

La socialización es esencial para la vida de un perro, y las clases grupales regulares ayudan a fomentar interacciones y comportamientos positivos.

Programas de entrenamiento

Flexibles y personalizados para tu mascota

En Dog Training Elite, vamos más allá de la obediencia básica y entrenamos a los perros para que sobresalgan en situaciones del mundo real. Nuestros programas abarcan desde la preparación para perros de servicio hasta el entrenamiento de perros de terapia, enfocándonos en habilidades prácticas y de confianza.

Nuestro entrenamiento para perros en Frisco, TX, hace que nuestros caninos estén preparados para desafíos del mundo real y enriquecer tu vida diaria. Nos enfocamos en crear lazos de amor y confianza duraderos, ayudando a tu perro a convertirse en un miembro más de la familia.

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Entrenamiento de obediencia
Nuestro entrenamiento de obediencia para perros en Frisco, TX está diseñado para enseñar comandos esenciales y reforzar el buen comportamiento, asegurando que tu perro sea educado en cualquier situación.
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Entrenamiento de cachorros
Nuestro entrenamiento de cachorros en Frisco, TX construye un fuerte vínculo con tu cachorro ¡desde ya! enfocarse en la socialización temprana, comandos básicos y buen comportamiento es la clave de un perro bien portado.
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Entrenamiento para perros de servicio
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de servicio en Frisco, TX convierte a los perros en compañeros leales, entrenados para realizar tareas como recuperar objetos, proporcionar estabilidad o alertar sobre condiciones médicas.
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Entrenamiento para perros de terapia
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de terapia en Frisco, TX enseña a los perros a tener habilidades necesarias para apoyo emocional en diversos entornos. Estos perros entrenados nos ayudan con su compañía a manejar mejor el estrés, aliviar la ansiedad y aportan bienestar en general a sus dueños.
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Ansiedad y agresión
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros agresivos en Frisco, TX estudia y corrige comportamientos impulsados por la ansiedad y la agresión, ayudando a tu perro a mantenerse calmado y bien comportado en situaciones desafiantes.
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Protección personal
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de protección en Frisco, TX Refuerza la lealtad de tus perros, enseñándoles a responder eficazmente a amenazas y proteger tu hogar y familia.
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Clases grupales
Nuestras clases grupales de entrenamiento para perros en Frisco, TX ofrecen un entorno estructurado donde tus perros pueden aprender y practicar habilidades esenciales mientras socializan con otros perros y sus dueños.

Escuche a nuestros clientes

Aprenda por qué los dueños de perros eligen Dog Training Elite

  • Candace Roberson
    Jan. 22, 2025
    Thanks to our trainer,Tra, and vibration training tool, our dog is now a dream to walk. 4 session cure!
  • Courtney Russo
    Dec. 8, 2024
    Tori Severance from Dog Training Elite Frisco was my dog’s trainer for all 6 of her training appointments (Gold Obedience package). Our last appointment was today and I am so incredibly grateful for Tori - she changed my life & my dog’s life! My Goldie is an ~2 year old Shar Pei rescue and had such terrible anxiety before. Goldie not only learned “come”, “sit” & “place” with an implied stay, to “heel” / have good leash manners but she is also no longer afraid of her crate (no more ocean of drool after being crated). Goldie’s confidence has grown so much & I am sooo proud of her!! I cannot recommend Dog Training Elite Frisco or Tori enough! Worth every penny and then some! Thank you so much, Tori, for being so incredible! Goldie & I are looking forward to seeing you again in the future :) We’ll also be at Saturday group trainings soon!
  • Mary Miller
    Oct. 31, 2024
    We had an amazing experience with Dog Training Elite. All of the trainers were great but our dogs, Theory and Newton, really took a liking to Felicity. She is very knowledgeable and you can tell that she really cares about the training that your dogs receive. All sessions were thorough, she made sure that we were confident with the commands and answered all questions that we had before leaving. The Saturday sessions are also a good opportunity to get some more practice with distractions. It was worth our money and we would recommend.
  • Alex Baptista
    Oct. 26, 2024
    Small dogs can be headstrong and tough to trainer. But that didn’t slow down Tori from getting Ellie to be the best pup she can. We started with with puppy in home private sessions at 3 months old and saw such great results we continued with the platinum package and couldn’t be more thrilled. Tori helped bring out her confidence, improve behaviors, and thrive with obedience training all with patience while we asked for help. Now a day short of 6 months, Ellie is better trained than most dogs 4x her age. It is critical for the owners to take an active role and continue to the great work of the trainers, or the dog will regress. We can wait to see what Ellie learns next!
  • Justin Parker
    Oct. 3, 2024
    What can I say about dog training elite? The trained our first two dogs together at the same time & I have to say from the very first training session with Trey our dogs behaviors already began to change. We had the pleasure of Jordan really commanding the room with atlas & helping so much on distractions our dogs if they are in command they stay at attention. Felicity when I say our dogs can place on command & even have my dog ignore a cat in a bush.. I was like whoa! Kyler helped with heel & this command definitely isn’t easy but literally within ten minutes our dogs now can stay off leash & heel without breaking command. With all this being said we now have two new ones & with so much of DTEs initial help we have been able to train our two from the continued training that we kept with our first two. They all are amazing trainers & such a great company!
  • Lindsey Johnson
    Sep. 11, 2024
    Have to complement Megan on her work. She has done fantastic working with biscuits and teaching me how to work with her as well. I was so proud of this video, I had to share. Biscuits is 17 weeks old Shar-pie, Basset Hound & Pug Blend. Thanks Megan for all your help!
  • Patrick Murray
    Aug. 14, 2024
    Tori and Jordan have been working with my Malinois Max for 3 weeks now. Within that time we brought a newborn baby home. We have been so amazed with the progress that Dog Training Elite and the trainers have done with Max. He is a completely different dog already. Best investment we have made in a very long time. Thank you so much for your help and patience. -Patrick J Murray Sergeant USMC (Ret)
  • Melanie Domen
    Jul. 30, 2024
    😬Animal control was called out to my home . My Bernadoodle tends to take his job of protecting our home a little, (well, maybe a lot) too seriously. So, we hired some trainers out at dog training elite to come and give us some new tools in our training (or lack there of.) 🤗We have a new dog! He is so much fun to be around. A HUGE 🗣️shout out to Tra, Felicity and Yuni Who helped making the dog of our dreams a reality!
  • Elinor Albin
    Jun. 20, 2024
    Tori has an amazing way of helping both me and my Winnie. She is so knowledgeable and great with our girl.
  • Laura Riggs
    Jun. 19, 2024
    Tori was an amazing trainer with my dog Clark!! We learned so much together! We really appreciate her expertise and patience!!
  • Kelly Bell
    Jun. 7, 2024
    After rescuing a very large and VERY REACTIVE Labrador we knew we needed help getting his reacitvity under control before any training would be effective. After trying a standard 6 week program elsewhere, it was clear our dog's reactivity needed some expert focus. After significant research there was a clear standout option - Dog Training Elite Frisco. I reached out and spoke to Kelly who was very knowledgeable, listening to all of my concerns carefully and answering all of my questions specific to our needs. We immediately signed up for the free assessment. From the initial free assessment with Tra we knew we were in the right place. Through Tra's demostration and work in that 90 mins, we learned so much about our dog and witnessed the professional expertise we knew was needed. We did not hesitate to sign up then and there. Most of our training sessions were with Kyler who was excellent in ever way! Very knowledgeable, very quick to think of alternatives approaches if something wasn't working. Always had a solution or a tweak to the process to meet our dog's specific challenges and forthcoming with feedback for me as the owner/trainer for my dog. Dependable, patient, focused, clearly expert and professional all the way! We also had a couple of sessions with Felicity when Kyler was not available and she was awesome as well! Super nice, very knowledgeable, fun, and again, always had a solution or tweak for our dogs specific needs. We needed help with integrating our dog with our son's dog as they were very reactive to each other and both Tra and Kyler made it happen! This was a game changer for our family ! We now go every week to group sessions led by Kyler which are fun and extremely beneficial to our dog's ongoing socialization, focus, and perfect for reinforcement of training with distractions. Kyler makes it fun and is always challenging the dogs each in the way he knows they need to be challenged. Overall I can't say enough about this program and all of these trainers! Highly recommend this team - they are worth every penny!
  • Michael Connors
    May. 16, 2024
    Great staff with a ton of knowledge and our experience couldn’t have been better. Ive had the pleasure of working with Felicity & Kyler. Both very knowledgeable and fun to work with. I cant thank the team enough. Special shout out to Kelly. Kelly wears many different hats. From receptionist, scheduler, trainer and yes videographer lol. Got some great videos that will last a lifetime. Tra & Yuni are okay too. Only teasing! These two run an amazing operation and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting both of them. Couldn’t ask for a better team! Brandon says hi!
  • Laura Iglesias (Lozano)
    May. 15, 2024
    When your dogs best friend, other than his parents, is his trainer,Kyler…, you know you are working with the right company. Dog Training Elite and Kyler came into our lives and not only did amazing with Senna’s puppy training. Kyler also observed and knew that Senna was meant to have a greater job in life, Therapy Dog. We continued Senna’s training with Kyler and Senna now goes to work with Mama, as a Therapy Dog for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Thank you Kyler for helping us have the Bestest Boy!!! Not only have you taught us how to work with him to reach his highest potential but you and Dog Training Elite have become part of our family.
  • sam
    May. 15, 2024
    I’m a first time dog owner and came across dog training elite on google. I saw Kyler was a veteran like myself and I highly recommend him. He’s and excellent trainer and explained everything well for me
  • Angel G.
    May. 15, 2024
    I highly recommend Kyler W., he’s amazing, good with communication and it’s great seeing a fellow veteran handling dogs!
  • Jenni Lee
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler Wittwer has the heart to work with dogs. Gentle. Yet, firm. My 5 dogs are ranch dogs and don’t really take to people. Kyler is amazing with them. I have 1 dog that’s frightened of storms, Kyler soothed her little soul. Kyler is amazing! And I wouldn’t trust anyone to train my dogs than him.
  • Ashley Nagy
    May. 15, 2024
    I worked with Kyler from Dog Training Elite and he was amazing. My dog was very reactive towards other dogs and scared of people. Since working with Kyler, her confidence has grown immensely. Kyler was very patient with my dog while working with her. He also helped me a ton on how I should be interacting with her and expectations. Not only did he help in Katie’s training, but mine as well! She went from barely knowing sit to now knowing all the basics and how to heel. It’s like night a day and I am so appreciative! Definitely worth working with him and dog training elite! She is a much happier, confident, well behaved dog!
  • Anika Martin
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler was so helpful with my little Sofia! As a German shepherd she was reactive and almost impossible to walk around the neighborhood. Now with Kyler’s persistence and determination I can take my sweet girl anywhere I go. Thank you Kyler for your kind help and patience as we navigated these issues!
  • Uptown Window Cleaning
    May. 15, 2024
    "Kyler at Dog Training Elite Frisco deserves every bit of a 5-star review! His expertise, patience, and dedication truly shine through in his training methods. Our furry friend has made remarkable progress under his guidance. Highly recommend!"
  • Carly DuCharme
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler and Dog Training Elite has made a huge difference in our Doberman puppy. We learned the skills we needed to make sure that he could have a safe and happy with our other dogs. He is such a big dog and so friendly. Sometimes he would get too excited and cross the line to being dangerous for the other dogs (who are little). Our puppy both loves and respects Kyler. We continue to take part in the group classes and our puppy is so excited to be there. It continues to give us the consistency of training and support if we have any questions.
  • Candace Roberson
    Jan. 22, 2025
    Thanks to our trainer,Tra, and vibration training tool, our dog is now a dream to walk. 4 session cure!
  • Courtney Russo
    Dec. 8, 2024
    Tori Severance from Dog Training Elite Frisco was my dog’s trainer for all 6 of her training appointments (Gold Obedience package). Our last appointment was today and I am so incredibly grateful for Tori - she changed my life & my dog’s life! My Goldie is an ~2 year old Shar Pei rescue and had such terrible anxiety before. Goldie not only learned “come”, “sit” & “place” with an implied stay, to “heel” / have good leash manners but she is also no longer afraid of her crate (no more ocean of drool after being crated). Goldie’s confidence has grown so much & I am sooo proud of her!! I cannot recommend Dog Training Elite Frisco or Tori enough! Worth every penny and then some! Thank you so much, Tori, for being so incredible! Goldie & I are looking forward to seeing you again in the future :) We’ll also be at Saturday group trainings soon!
  • Mary Miller
    Oct. 31, 2024
    We had an amazing experience with Dog Training Elite. All of the trainers were great but our dogs, Theory and Newton, really took a liking to Felicity. She is very knowledgeable and you can tell that she really cares about the training that your dogs receive. All sessions were thorough, she made sure that we were confident with the commands and answered all questions that we had before leaving. The Saturday sessions are also a good opportunity to get some more practice with distractions. It was worth our money and we would recommend.
  • Alex Baptista
    Oct. 26, 2024
    Small dogs can be headstrong and tough to trainer. But that didn’t slow down Tori from getting Ellie to be the best pup she can. We started with with puppy in home private sessions at 3 months old and saw such great results we continued with the platinum package and couldn’t be more thrilled. Tori helped bring out her confidence, improve behaviors, and thrive with obedience training all with patience while we asked for help. Now a day short of 6 months, Ellie is better trained than most dogs 4x her age. It is critical for the owners to take an active role and continue to the great work of the trainers, or the dog will regress. We can wait to see what Ellie learns next!
  • Justin Parker
    Oct. 3, 2024
    What can I say about dog training elite? The trained our first two dogs together at the same time & I have to say from the very first training session with Trey our dogs behaviors already began to change. We had the pleasure of Jordan really commanding the room with atlas & helping so much on distractions our dogs if they are in command they stay at attention. Felicity when I say our dogs can place on command & even have my dog ignore a cat in a bush.. I was like whoa! Kyler helped with heel & this command definitely isn’t easy but literally within ten minutes our dogs now can stay off leash & heel without breaking command. With all this being said we now have two new ones & with so much of DTEs initial help we have been able to train our two from the continued training that we kept with our first two. They all are amazing trainers & such a great company!
  • Lindsey Johnson
    Sep. 11, 2024
    Have to complement Megan on her work. She has done fantastic working with biscuits and teaching me how to work with her as well. I was so proud of this video, I had to share. Biscuits is 17 weeks old Shar-pie, Basset Hound & Pug Blend. Thanks Megan for all your help!
  • Patrick Murray
    Aug. 14, 2024
    Tori and Jordan have been working with my Malinois Max for 3 weeks now. Within that time we brought a newborn baby home. We have been so amazed with the progress that Dog Training Elite and the trainers have done with Max. He is a completely different dog already. Best investment we have made in a very long time. Thank you so much for your help and patience. -Patrick J Murray Sergeant USMC (Ret)
  • Melanie Domen
    Jul. 30, 2024
    😬Animal control was called out to my home . My Bernadoodle tends to take his job of protecting our home a little, (well, maybe a lot) too seriously. So, we hired some trainers out at dog training elite to come and give us some new tools in our training (or lack there of.) 🤗We have a new dog! He is so much fun to be around. A HUGE 🗣️shout out to Tra, Felicity and Yuni Who helped making the dog of our dreams a reality!
  • Elinor Albin
    Jun. 20, 2024
    Tori has an amazing way of helping both me and my Winnie. She is so knowledgeable and great with our girl.
  • Laura Riggs
    Jun. 19, 2024
    Tori was an amazing trainer with my dog Clark!! We learned so much together! We really appreciate her expertise and patience!!
  • Kelly Bell
    Jun. 7, 2024
    After rescuing a very large and VERY REACTIVE Labrador we knew we needed help getting his reacitvity under control before any training would be effective. After trying a standard 6 week program elsewhere, it was clear our dog's reactivity needed some expert focus. After significant research there was a clear standout option - Dog Training Elite Frisco. I reached out and spoke to Kelly who was very knowledgeable, listening to all of my concerns carefully and answering all of my questions specific to our needs. We immediately signed up for the free assessment. From the initial free assessment with Tra we knew we were in the right place. Through Tra's demostration and work in that 90 mins, we learned so much about our dog and witnessed the professional expertise we knew was needed. We did not hesitate to sign up then and there. Most of our training sessions were with Kyler who was excellent in ever way! Very knowledgeable, very quick to think of alternatives approaches if something wasn't working. Always had a solution or a tweak to the process to meet our dog's specific challenges and forthcoming with feedback for me as the owner/trainer for my dog. Dependable, patient, focused, clearly expert and professional all the way! We also had a couple of sessions with Felicity when Kyler was not available and she was awesome as well! Super nice, very knowledgeable, fun, and again, always had a solution or tweak for our dogs specific needs. We needed help with integrating our dog with our son's dog as they were very reactive to each other and both Tra and Kyler made it happen! This was a game changer for our family ! We now go every week to group sessions led by Kyler which are fun and extremely beneficial to our dog's ongoing socialization, focus, and perfect for reinforcement of training with distractions. Kyler makes it fun and is always challenging the dogs each in the way he knows they need to be challenged. Overall I can't say enough about this program and all of these trainers! Highly recommend this team - they are worth every penny!
  • Michael Connors
    May. 16, 2024
    Great staff with a ton of knowledge and our experience couldn’t have been better. Ive had the pleasure of working with Felicity & Kyler. Both very knowledgeable and fun to work with. I cant thank the team enough. Special shout out to Kelly. Kelly wears many different hats. From receptionist, scheduler, trainer and yes videographer lol. Got some great videos that will last a lifetime. Tra & Yuni are okay too. Only teasing! These two run an amazing operation and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting both of them. Couldn’t ask for a better team! Brandon says hi!
  • Laura Iglesias (Lozano)
    May. 15, 2024
    When your dogs best friend, other than his parents, is his trainer,Kyler…, you know you are working with the right company. Dog Training Elite and Kyler came into our lives and not only did amazing with Senna’s puppy training. Kyler also observed and knew that Senna was meant to have a greater job in life, Therapy Dog. We continued Senna’s training with Kyler and Senna now goes to work with Mama, as a Therapy Dog for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Thank you Kyler for helping us have the Bestest Boy!!! Not only have you taught us how to work with him to reach his highest potential but you and Dog Training Elite have become part of our family.
  • sam
    May. 15, 2024
    I’m a first time dog owner and came across dog training elite on google. I saw Kyler was a veteran like myself and I highly recommend him. He’s and excellent trainer and explained everything well for me
  • Angel G.
    May. 15, 2024
    I highly recommend Kyler W., he’s amazing, good with communication and it’s great seeing a fellow veteran handling dogs!
  • Jenni Lee
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler Wittwer has the heart to work with dogs. Gentle. Yet, firm. My 5 dogs are ranch dogs and don’t really take to people. Kyler is amazing with them. I have 1 dog that’s frightened of storms, Kyler soothed her little soul. Kyler is amazing! And I wouldn’t trust anyone to train my dogs than him.
  • Ashley Nagy
    May. 15, 2024
    I worked with Kyler from Dog Training Elite and he was amazing. My dog was very reactive towards other dogs and scared of people. Since working with Kyler, her confidence has grown immensely. Kyler was very patient with my dog while working with her. He also helped me a ton on how I should be interacting with her and expectations. Not only did he help in Katie’s training, but mine as well! She went from barely knowing sit to now knowing all the basics and how to heel. It’s like night a day and I am so appreciative! Definitely worth working with him and dog training elite! She is a much happier, confident, well behaved dog!
  • Anika Martin
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler was so helpful with my little Sofia! As a German shepherd she was reactive and almost impossible to walk around the neighborhood. Now with Kyler’s persistence and determination I can take my sweet girl anywhere I go. Thank you Kyler for your kind help and patience as we navigated these issues!
  • Uptown Window Cleaning
    May. 15, 2024
    "Kyler at Dog Training Elite Frisco deserves every bit of a 5-star review! His expertise, patience, and dedication truly shine through in his training methods. Our furry friend has made remarkable progress under his guidance. Highly recommend!"
  • Carly DuCharme
    May. 15, 2024
    Kyler and Dog Training Elite has made a huge difference in our Doberman puppy. We learned the skills we needed to make sure that he could have a safe and happy with our other dogs. He is such a big dog and so friendly. Sometimes he would get too excited and cross the line to being dangerous for the other dogs (who are little). Our puppy both loves and respects Kyler. We continue to take part in the group classes and our puppy is so excited to be there. It continues to give us the consistency of training and support if we have any questions.
A child with their happy, obedient dog with training from Dog Training Elite.

Entrenamos Todas las Razas

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Cada raza de perro tiene comportamientos y personalidades diferentes debido a una combinación de genética, selección de razas y factores ambientales. En Dog Training Elite, trabajamos con todos los perros. Nuestro equipo comprende el comportamiento canino y los desafíos únicos de cada raza.

No creemos en un enfoque único para todos. En su lugar, aplicamos técnicas de entrenamiento específicas para cada raza con el fin de sacar lo mejor para la relación con tu perro. Desde el control de impulsos en terriers hasta la estimulación mental enfocada para razas pastoras, trabajaremos contigo y tu perro para diseñar un plan de entrenamiento personalizado.

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Tú y tu compañero canino realmente podéis tenerlo todo. ¡Vea lo fácil que puede ser convertirse en miembro de la sociedad de cachorros de élite solicitando una consulta gratuita hoy!

Two dog owners with a group of trained dogs.

Entrenamiento de perros en Frisco, TX

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En Dog Training Elite, hemos visto cómo intentar entrenar a tu perro por tu cuenta puede llevar a resultados inconsistentes y frustración. Nuestros profesionales calificados aportan la experiencia y el conocimiento necesarios para evaluar las necesidades únicas de tu perro y aplicar métodos que realmente funcionan. Elegir entrenadores experimentados marca una diferencia notable en la conducta y aporta cambios para siempre.

Confiamos en el refuerzo positivo, un método de entrenamiento que brinda resultados duraderos, incluso con los perros más desafiantes.

An obedient corgi on a leash after recieving affordable training from Dog Training Elite.

Entrenadores de Perros Asequibles en Frisco

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En Dog Training Elite, creemos que cada dueño de mascota debe tener acceso a un entrenamiento canino experto sin arruinarse. Nuestros programas de entrenamiento son de precios justos y asequibles, para que el costo nunca sea una barrera para tener un perro bien educado y feliz. Ya sea que busques entrenamiento básico de obediencia, modificación de comportamiento especializada o entrenamiento avanzado para perros de servicio, nuestros programas se adaptan a varios presupuestos, no tengas duda en hablar con nosotros.

Invertir en el entrenamiento de tu perro es una de las mejores decisiones que puedes tomar para la felicidad y salud a largo plazo de tu mascota. Un entrenamiento adecuado ayuda a frenar comportamientos no deseados, reduce la ansiedad y construye un vínculo fuerte y duradero entre ustedes. Al ofrecer entrenamiento canino de bajo costo sin comprometer la calidad, nuestros entrenadores de perros en Frisco hacen posible que más familias y perros se beneficien de vivir la experiencia plena de un entrenamiento canino profesional.

A well-trained DTE dog on a surfboard.
Dog Training Elite Frisco light star icon.

Educar, empoderar, elevar, élite

Libera el potencial de tu perro

Galería de fotos

Vea un perro de élite en acción

Dog Training Elite Frisco's woman owned badge.
Dog Training Elite Frisco's veteran owned badge.
  • Dog Training Elite Frisco's woman owned badge.
  • Dog Training Elite Frisco's veteran owned badge.
  • Dog Training Elite Frisco's woman owned badge.
  • Dog Training Elite Frisco's veteran owned badge.
Kyler - Lead Trainer
Yuni - Trainer
Tra - Trainer
Felicity - Trainer
Kelly - Trainer