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Born and raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Bethany has always had a love for animals small and large. Her first pet, Taylor, was a Labrador Beagle mix. Taylor was full of energy in her younger days, but even as she aged she would scale the fence to run the neighborhood. Bethany loves her rescue cat, Mazy, immensely and she knows it with the constant demands for her attention. Toby, a Maltichon, was added to the family later along with Dixie, a German Shorthaired Pointer, but technically those are her sister’s dogs. Bethany loves them all the same and has enjoyed teaching and training them throughout their lives.
Bethany has always had a passion for horses and has worked with them closely since 2012. In recent years, she has begun training horses in basic food manners, building confidence, and unlocking the logical side of their brain. She has accomplished this by using vocal cues, hand signals, and puzzles. While working with DTE she has found that many of the skills she has acquired at the farm have carried over into her work with the dogs. She is looking to pursue classes to obtain a veterinary assistant certificate in order to add to her knowledge base as she helps strengthen the bond between you and your dog by emphasizing obedience no matter what distractions there may be.