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Why Goldendoodles Make Great Service Dogs

Posted on Mar 24th 2021

Fluffy and oh-so-cute, the Goldendoodle is an incredible dog that brings joy to the lives of many. An intentional cross between the Golden Retriever and Poodle, Goldendoodles exhibit the best traits of each breed. The friendly, outgoing, and devoted characteristics of the well-loved Golden Retriever meet the intelligence, exuberance, and low-shedding coat of the Poodle. While the Goldendoodle is a popular choice for families, his capabilities as a service dog are where this breed truly shines!

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America's Favorite Dog Breeds

Posted on Feb 24th 2021

Are you looking for a new canine companion to join your family? Getting a dog is an exciting prospect for families, especially those with young children. And while there are hundreds of breeds and mixes out there to choose from, we recommend taking a close look at the most popular breeds (according to the American Kennel Club) chosen by American families over the years.

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Proven Benefits of Dog Ownership

Posted on Feb 22nd 2021

There is a reason that dogs are considered "man's best friend." Their loyalty, devotion, and silly antics keep us smiling all day long. Our furry friends offer a feeling of peace and comfort that is hard to find anywhere else. We all know that big, round puppy eyes are enough to make anyone's heart melt, but science tells us that there are various other benefits that dogs provide us.

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Ensuring a Stress-free Holiday Season for Your Dog

Posted on Dec 15th 2020

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is often stressful for dogs. Bright, flashing lights and colorful decorations fill the house, guests come and go (and the doorbell is constantly ringing), delicious smells of off-limits food fills the house, furniture is rearranged, and your dog's routine is interrupted. Holiday parties are the most stress-inducing, and dangerous, events of the holiday season for pets and it's important to prepare your dog if you are the host this year.

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Why Choose In-Home Dog Trainers in Boston

Posted on Nov 9th 2020

Sending your dog away to a training facility and never interacting with the trainer or your pet during the process is not a good approach. Many pet owners that choose this option often find that their dog regresses to problematic behaviors once they return. Group classes, on the other hand, are a distracting environment for a puppy or a dog new to training. Without the basics of in-home training, obedience is hard to learn. Whether you are looking for dog trainers in Boston for a new puppy or an older dog, in-home training offers the following benefits:

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