What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate - Dog Training Elite Michiana

Posted on Dec 23rd 2018

It's not just a myth that chocolate can be dangerous for your pup. While digesting a couple of chocolate chips or a bite of a chocolate cookie may not be a problem, there's always a chance that even a little bit of chocolate could make your dog sick. And with the holidays in full swing there's a higher chance that your dog could get into the sweets. Knowing how much chocolate is considered toxic and treatment for chocolate poisoning could save their life if they've consumed too much. Here are some tips on what to do if your dog eats chocolate, brought to you by our dog obedience training in South Bend / Elkhart.

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Diabetes in Dogs - Dog Training Elite Michiana

Posted on Nov 20th 2018

November is nationally recognized as American Diabetes Month, but did you know that it is also Pet Diabetes Awareness Month? Diabetes in dogs has become a growing epidemic throughout the years. Knowing what diabetes is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it if your dog develops it is our responsibility as pet owners to keep our pups as healthy and happy as possible. Here are some facts about diabetes in dogs, brought to you by our k9 training South Bend / Elkhart experts.

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Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Dog - Dog Training Elite Michiana

Posted on Oct 19th 2018

While it may seem difficult to believe that your perfectly healthy pup could easily get sick, animals are really no different humans when it comes to contracting dangerous diseases. With the winter seasons bringing about the threat of these illnesses it's a good time to consider immunization for your dog. Here are some reasons why vaccination is so important to your dog's health, brought to you by our dog training South Bend / Elkhart and dog health experts.

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How to Make Your Home Safer for Your Dog - Dog Training Elite Michiana

Posted on Sep 24th 2018

Dogs are far more than just animals. They're integral parts of our families, and we treat them as such. In many ways, taking care of them is much like caring for a child. They need time, attention, and a safe environment to live in. Here are some ways you can make your home safer for your dog, brought to you by our expert dog trainers in South Bend / Elkhart.

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Fun Facts About Dogs - Dog Training Elite Michiana

Posted on Aug 7th 2018

Dogs are man's best friend, which is why they deserve a special day to celebrate all of the wonderful things about them. In honor August 26th being National Dog Day here are some fun facts about dogs, brought to you by our top dog trainers in South Bend / Elkhart.

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