
Therapy Dog Training in Scottsdale

Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale Near You

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A therapy dog is a dog who visits places like schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Therapy dog training in Scottsdale teaches dogs to provide comfort, support, and affection to the people they meet, particularly vulnerable people like children, seniors, patients in hospitals, and so on.

Therapy dogs are not service dogs. Service dogs are trained to perform specific tasks to help a person who has a disability. This distinction is important because therapy dogs do not have the same access to public places like service dogs do. For example, service dogs can go into restaurants, but therapy dogs cannot. Therapy dogs still provide a valuable service and should receive therapy dog certification.

Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale provides therapy dog training in Scottsdale to give people emotional support in all stages of life.

Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.

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Children can especially benefit from therapy animals - Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale is happy to help your family with these certifications.

Who Do Therapy Dogs Help?

Therapy dogs may be regular visitors to a variety of people and places, with hospitals and rehabilitation centers being among the most common. Children, in particular, respond positively to therapy dogs.

Seniors in assisted living or people with mental disabilities who live in facilities and experience feelings of isolation also see a lot of benefits from visiting with a therapy dog.

Besides providing valuable social opportunities and relieving anxiety, therapy dogs may even help lower blood pressure and heart rate in patients and the other people they visit.

Why Are Therapy Dogs Important?

Therapy dogs offer unconditional love, non-judgmental interaction, reduce stress, anxiety and loneliness, and provide an overall positive distraction to ailments. Research shows therapy dogs can have a positive effect on a patient’s mood, stress and pain levels during facility stays.

Young patients — children — seem to benefit most from working with therapy dogs. They are more motivated to participate in treatments, feel optimistic about the future, and experience an overall sense of calm when a certified therapy dog is present.

For people who may have a hard time socializing due to mental disabilities or their living situation, therapy dogs can promote social interaction within their community and help them to connect.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

I can not recommend Dog Training Elite DTE) strong enough!!!! From day 1 the changes in my dog’s behavior blew me away. My Akita knew the basics and was a very good dog but I wanted an exceptional dog. A dog that would protect me or my family when needed but also he needed to be on his best behavior at ALL times. My training began with Karen (an excellent trainer with a natural gift to communicate with your furry best friend) Now we are working directly with Neil and everyday I feel like we are moving leaps and bounds. My Akita looks forward to his training days and he truly is a very happy participant in his training process. He wants to do all the things we ask of him and you can tell he cannot wait to learn something new and receive my praise. Again I highly recommend Neil and his team. If you want your dog to be the dog you see in the movies then DTE is the only call you have to make!!!!
— mari griffin
Posted June 15th 2024
Fantastic trainors. They are very patient and encouraging. I love that they come to your home for the initial training sessions, then progress to public spaces and group classes. I would highly recommend this group to anyone! There are no bad dogs, just bad handlers.
— Shannon Floersheim
Posted October 26th 2023
We started the training less than two months ago, and the results have been dramatic! We were dealing with a highly energetic English setter who was constantly barking in our fence to any walkers passing by, plus reactive behavior toward other dogs when walking on a leash. I had tried the usual trainers with a reward-based program with no success. This is not my first dog ownership. My previous experiences were with dogs that were much easier to train. The barking was, for me, a significant problem due to its impact on the neighbors. However, after the first visit with Neal, the barking was gone!! The training immediately corrected the jumping on the couch or at the counter. We have completed the home visits and are participating in the group classes with fantastic success. He is still a happy and playful puppy. The difference now is that he obeys our commands and understands the limits. Neal and his team have been professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. Thank Neal, Ashley, Azure, and the rest of the team for all their help.
— Debora Gama Lima
Posted April 8th 2023
We have been working with Neil at Dog training Ellite for a few weeks now and have seen so much improvement with our puppy mowgli 😃 would highly recommend using their services!
— Taylor Nuessle
Posted January 28th 2019
Dog Training Elite has done a great job of training my service dog. The combination of one-on-one training, group classes and their training techniques have been invaluable! Highly, highly recommend them!
— Jeff D
Posted September 27th 2018

All Reviews Set Up an Assessment Today!

This cute pup is excited to learn and help provide support with his therapy training with Dog Training Elite in ScottsdaleScottsdale.

How Does a Dog Become a Therapy Dog?

If you have felt the benefits of owning a dog, you may feel inspired to help more people feel the unconditional love, joy and support your dog provides. However, having a friendly, loving personality isn’t enough for a dog to qualify as a therapy dog. Some other qualifications to consider are:

  • The age of your dog. Puppies do not make good therapy animals.
  • How obedient your dog is. It’s important your dog listens to you and obeys basic commands. Dogs that go through obedience training with Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale have the perfect foundation to go onto therapy dog training, as long as they are old enough.
  • How social your dog is. Your dog may be affectionate with you — but are they affectionate with strangers? Do they like to receive attention from strangers, particularly petting?

Therapy Dog Handlers

As a dog owner, it’s important to reflect on whether you would like to become a therapy dog handler as well. If you enjoy connecting with people, becoming a therapy dog handler may be a great fit. You can also choose where to volunteer to better suit your interests — if you like kids, volunteer to visit schools or children’s hospitals. If you prefer to work with older people, then sign up to visit senior living centers.

Once you’ve determined that becoming a therapy dog handler and helping your dog become a therapy dog is the right move for the two of you, you’re ready to start therapy dog training. The trainers of Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale are experts in the behaviors needed in a therapy dog and will help you and your dog either brush up on or master behaviors such as “leave it,” “watch me,” loose-leash walking and not jumping on other people.

To help your dog become well socialized, you may consider also signing up for one of Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale’s group obedience classes. A group class environment is also beneficial because it helps your dog learn to be obedient when there are a lot of distractions around, a crucial skill for a therapy dog.

Once you’ve completed initial training, you’re ready to apply for therapy dog certification in Scottsdale. However, it is important to note that this certification is not the end. It’s important to stay on top of your dog’s training and continue to help them be the best therapy dog they can be.

By working with Dog Training Elite in ScottsdaleScottsdale, you will also be trained to be a therapy dog handler with your pup.

Why do Therapy Dog Training with Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale?

The Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale training method stands out because of its emphasis on positive reinforcement. Dogs are never punished for bad behavior, instead they are rewarded for good behavior. This kind of training makes a huge difference in your relationship with your dog, and will make a difference in how your dog interacts with other people.

The balanced training method of Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale fosters a dog’s naturally loving and obedient nature. Focusing on positive reinforcement and rewarding good behavior helps build a strong bond between dog and owner built on love and trust. This foundation in turn becomes a great foundation for dog and owner to become a fabulous therapy team providing an invaluable service to the community.

If you feel therapy dog certification is right for you and your dog, get started by contacting Dog Training Elite in Scottsdale. Request your free training demo and in-home assessment today.

Contact Dog Training Elite in ScottsdaleScottsdale if you feel this certification is right for you and your pup.

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