Psychiatric / PTSD

Service Dog Trainer

Psychiatric / PTSD Dog Trainer in Reno, NV

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A Psychiatric/PTSD service animal will be able to go anywhere with their handler and assist them in times of high anxiety and stress. A service dog will provide emotional support, reintegration into society, reduce depression, reduce the frequency and severity of flashbacks, anchor handler to the present, and reduce suicidal ideation.

Individuals with PTSD often feel unsafe and unsure of reality, especially in public settings. Service dogs for PTSD can help ground their handler to reality, prevent people from crowding or rushing up to them and provide the emotional support needed to de-escalate anxieties. They can be trained to recognize the signs of a panic attack, wake individuals experiencing night terrors and regulate emotional responses through pressure.

Pricing Programs Free Assessment

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Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite Reno location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.

Psychiatric / PTSD Support Dog

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A Psychiatric/PTSD service dog will be able to go anywhere with their handler and assist them in times of high stress and provide a sense of security. A service dog will provide emotional support, reintegration into society, reduce depression, help cope with anxiety, reduce the frequency and severity of flashbacks, anchor handler to the present, and reduce suicidal ideation. Psychiatric service dogs will learn basic obedience and advanced tasks that are customizable, such as:

  • Grounding
  • Deep Pressure Therapy
  • Panic Response
  • Create a Physical Buffer
  • Interrupt Repetitive Behaviors
  • Watch Rear Blindspot
  • Additional tasks as needed, must be approved by trainer
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Benefits of Psychiatric/PTSD Service Dog Training:

  • Increase activity and integration into society: Dogs are active and need to be exercised regularly, the responsibility of caring for a service animal will force their handler to get out and exercise. A routine is established and ties to the future are forged again.
  • Create a sense of safety: Public settings and crowds are an enormous trigger for most individuals suffering from PTSD. Psychiatric service dogs are trained to create a physical barrier between their handler and crowds of people.
  • Ground in reality, redirect hyper-vigilance: Hyper-vigilance is a symptom of PTSD and creates constant tension and paranoia within sufferers. Service dogs are trained to recognize their handler’s warning signs for anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and panic attacks and redirect that energy into positive coping skills and grounding techniques such as petting the dog.
  • Reduce nightmares and flashbacks: One of the most emotionally challenging situations for individuals with PTSD to deal with are flashbacks and nightmares. They can transport an individual back to a terrifying time in their life where they have felt unsafe, threatened, and traumatized. A PTSD service animal is trained to bring their handler back to reality quickly and calmly, ground the individual, and help them to feel safe in their environment again.

Pricing Programs Free Assessment

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Dog Training Elite has expert PTSD dog trainers in Reno that provide service dog training programs for those suffering from PTSD.

Our Balanced Theory

We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model (a.k.a. "Pavlovian" or "respondent conditioning"). This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking about it. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

  • Empowering Owners
    We empower Owners to train so their dog knows who to obey at all times.
  • Personalized
    We deal with problem behaviors on a personal basis.
  • Environment Specific
    We train wherever issues tend to arise (i.e. jogging, park, home).
  • Supportive
    We support Owners in the off-hours (when training is "not in session").
  • Involved
    We work with all members of the household.
  • Simplified & Customized
    We plan training around the owner's schedule and require only 20 min/day follow-up practice.
  • Continued Training
    Additional programs / group sessions offered after in-home training.
  • Lifetime Investment
    We follow up & are invested in the owner's success long-term.
  • Satisfaction Ratings
    Our high client satisfaction rating sets us apart from competitors.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

Doing a great job training me & my dog. I now have a well mannered enjoyable pet. Chris is a patient & confident trainer. I enjoy working with him.
— Linda Little
Posted June 15th 2024
We have had three sessions with Chris and the improvement in our dog’s behavior is outstanding. Both her fear of people and her aggression towards anyone outside of our household has diminished significantly. We still have work to do with her but the change in her after just three sessions is remarkable and we are looking forward to continued improvement as we move forward.
— Andrea Coldwell
Posted June 7th 2024
Thank you Chris (Dog Training Elite Reno) for the above and beyond work with Leo (the Hippo Face). Although I had some experience with pitts in the past, this guy was especially reactive due to his traumatic past. (rescue). Chris worked so well with him, he really connected with Leo and helped me be a responsible pet owner.
— Erica Cardona
Posted April 20th 2024
Chris is a miracle worker at the very least. He is also an amazing dog trainer. I will be the first to admit that I was very skeptical about anyone's ability to teach my Aunt's Cairn Terrier anything. His nickname was Devil Dog, and well deserved. She was unable to walk him without dislocating her shoulder, he frightened anyone who dared come near + drove the neighbors crazy with his barking. If I hadn't been present to observe the transformation first hand, I would honestly think she had gotten a new dog. I would highly recommend Chris to everyone.
— Teri Littler-Frazier
Posted April 10th 2024

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