
German Shepherd Training in Port Charlotte

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida Near You

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German Shepherds consistently rank in the top five most popular dog breeds in America - and for good reason. German Shepherds are highly intelligent and loyal. With proper training and socialization, they are also obedient and great with other dogs and children. Not to mention, they’re beautiful!

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida has years of experience with German Shepherd training and has developed obedience and personal protection training programs suitable for this breed. Because of their intelligence and natural herding instincts, German Shepherds can also be trained as service dogs.

Like any intelligent dog, however, a German Shepherd without proper training can become a handful. Their intelligence can lead to stubbornness. Extensive training and socialization are key to harnessing the unique abilities of this breed and diminishing any potential destructive behaviors. Thankfully, the high intelligence of German Shepherds enables them to learn commands quickly. The professional training of Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida will help any German Shepherd become an incredible companion to individuals and families.

Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.

Dog Training Elite offers professional German Shepherd training for puppies and adults near you in Port Charlotte.
German Shepherd Puppies vs. Adults

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida recommends starting dog training as early as possible, soon after a puppy is ready to leave its mother. Puppies are capable of learning basic commands, and smart German Shepherd puppies do great with early training.

If you adopt an older German Shepherd, or never got around to puppy training, don’t worry! Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida has adult dog training programs as well. A complete puppy training typically takes a few months. Adult dog training can take longer or shorter, depending on whether a dog needs to unlearn bad habits in addition to being trained.

In-Home German Shepherd Training

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida offers specialized in-home German Shepherd training for both owners and dogs of any age. Working with a German Shepherd and the owner directly in the home allows dog trainers to create personalized training plans for individual dogs, as well as address any unique needs or issues. Once a dog has completed in-home training, they can take group classes for more in-depth training - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida offers both puppy and adult dog group classes.

Beginning training in the home also helps owners bond with their dogs so when the dog trainer leaves, no progress is lost.

Dog Training Elite offers in-home dog training for German Shepherds in Port Charlotte.

Our Balanced Theory

We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model (a.k.a. "Pavlovian" or "respondent conditioning"). This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking about it. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida is the top company near you that uses professional positive dog training methods.
Empowering Owners

We empower owners to train so their dog knows who to obey at all times.


We deal with problem behaviors on a personal basis.

Environment Specific

We train wherever issues tend to arise (i.e. jogging, park, home).


We support owners in the off-hours (when training is "not in session").


We work with all members of the household.

Simplified & Customized

We plan training around the owner's schedule and require only 20 min/day follow-up practice.

Continued Training

Additional programs / group sessions offered after in-home training.

Lifetime Investment

We follow up & are invested in the owner's success long-term.

Satisfaction Ratings

Our high client satisfaction rating sets us apart from competitors.

See Our Pricing

German Shepherd Specific Tips Be Consistent

Dogs, and especially German Shepherds, do best with consistency. Always make sure to use the same verbal and/or physical cues during training to avoid any confusion. Also, be consistent about rules - establish at the beginning, for example, whether or not your dog is allowed on the couch. Then, don’t change the rule under any circumstances.

German Shepherd Specific Tips Get Plenty of Exercise

German Shepherds are an energetic breed - if you don’t have a yard for your dog to play in, that’s fine, but make sure your German Shepherd gets daily exercise through walking, hiking, etc. An energetic dog with little to no exercise can become a destructive, disobedient dog.

German Shepherd Specific Tips Positive Reinforcement

Since German Shepherds are historically trained as working dogs, they thrive on being busy. Training is a great way to give German Shepherds the mental and physical stimulation they need.

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida has developed training programs for puppies and adult dogs alike based on positive reinforcement. German Shepherd training with our in-home option is entirely possible. Read on to learn more about the Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida training method.

Elite Dog Training in Port Charlotte All Breeds. All Sizes. All Ages.

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The Dog Training Elite

Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida uses modern training methods focused on positive reinforcement and bonding between dog and dog owner. Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida never resorts to the use of punishment to help dogs unlearn bad behavior. The difference becomes clear when comparing a dog that is trained out of anxiety and intimidation vs a dog who truly desires to please from the inside out.

The Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida training theory is mostly based around classical conditioning, also known as the Pavlovian method or respondent conditioning. This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when an owner says "sit," their dog automatically sits without thinking about it.

Through a combination of commands and an electronic collar, dogs learn to follow commands at once. The electronic collar is not a shock collar; it is a gentle electronic pulse, similar to the tug of a leash, used to get the dog’s attention. Other dog trainers use harsh static collars or spray collars which have been shown to be less effective. Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida’s method of focusing on positive behavior reinforcement nurtures a dog's loving and naturally obedient nature.

Ready to turn your dog into a loyal and loving companion? Find a German Shepherd trainer near you today!

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Professional German Shepherd Trainers Near You in Port Charlotte

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

Chris was a great trainer and my one year old German Shepherd puppy has come a very long way to being well behaved after just five in-home sessions. She was pretty aggressive with him at first, but by the 5th session, she was showing him a lot of love. He has very good energy and he is a joy to work with. I'm really looking forward to my group training sessions in the local parks, because she still has some socialization skills to learn, and I know these group sessions will really help her with that. I'm so glad I called Dog Training Elite and I highly recommend them to anyone having behavior issues with their dogs.
— Barefoot Gypsy
Posted September 21st 2024
We had a great time with Chris! Our dog loves him, and always responded positively to his training and guidance. Chris was energetic, engaging and had a lot of important insight for us to learn from. We hope to have a strong bond with our family pet and look forward to more enrichment with our pup in the future. This training program exceeded our expectations and was an excellent first time program for him!
— Richelle Sterling
Posted September 24th 2024
Chris was amazing and very patient with us. Very recommended.
— Lisandra Garcia
Posted July 26th 2024
Great company and great trainers. We saw a difference with Mia after the first in-home training. Myself and Mia are now able to enjoy walks together. I cannot say enough positive things about Chris. I'm so Happy for his patience with myself and how much Mia was able pick up. Looking forward to continuing this journey.
— Amanda Taylor
Posted July 5th 2024
Chris Davila has been an excellent choice for my dog Mini Moo and myself. I can not thank dog training elite enough for helping me with my dogs training goals. I purchased the platinum package and I would 100% recommend it for anyone struggling with their dog. I'm three quarts of the way through my training and I have been able to go on enjoyable walks, morning coffee at outside cafés all accompanied by my best friend Mini Moo. Our relationship as evolved so well and I couldn't be happier. I want to thank all of the dog training elite staff especially Chris and Denise Yenchochic. If you have a dog please give these guys a call!
— Chad Ferland
Posted May 25th 2024
These trainers are top notch!!!
— Liz Springer
Posted September 18th 2023

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