Why It's Important to Vaccinate Your Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Oct 19th 2018

While it may seem difficult to believe that your perfectly healthy pup could easily get sick, animals are really no different humans when it comes to contracting dangerous diseases. With the winter seasons bringing about the threat of these illnesses it's a good time to consider immunization for your dog. Here are some reasons why vaccination is so important to your dog's health, brought to you by our dog training Port Charlotte and dog health experts.

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How to Make Your Home Safer for Your Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Sep 24th 2018

Dogs are far more than just animals. They're integral parts of our families, and we treat them as such. In many ways, taking care of them is much like caring for a child. They need time, attention, and a safe environment to live in. Here are some ways you can make your home safer for your dog, brought to you by our expert dog trainers in Port Charlotte.

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Fun Facts About Dogs - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Aug 7th 2018

Dogs are man's best friend, which is why they deserve a special day to celebrate all of the wonderful things about them. In honor August 26th being National Dog Day here are some fun facts about dogs, brought to you by our top dog trainers in Port Charlotte.

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Plants to Keep Away from Your Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Jul 19th 2018

After being stuck inside all winter, summer is the time for your dog to play outside to their heart's content. But while your garden can hold a lot of fun for your pup, it can also hide some dangers in plain sight. There are many average outdoor and indoor plants that are known to be toxic to dogs. Here are some of the most common, brought to you by our top dog trainers in Port Charlotte.

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How to Keep Your Dog Hydrated This Summer - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Jun 20th 2018

Summer is finally here, and that means that we're in store for plenty of long, hot days. While this means there will be a lot of fun outdoor activities to do with your pup, it can also lead to dehydration if you're not careful. Here are some helpful tips to keep your dog hydrated this summer, brought to you by Dog Training Elite's dog training experts in Port Charlotte.

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