How to Create a First Aid Kit for Your Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Apr 16th 2019

First aid kits are an important precautionary step for emergency situations. Having an updated, well-stocked first aid kit could be a literal lifesaver in the event of a natural disaster, and will be incredibly helpful any time immediate assistance is needed; not just for you, but for your dog as well. It’s recommended that you keep a kit made for your dog in your home and place extras in your car, with friends, and at any other place you both frequent. However, you may be worried about what exactly should be put into a kit for your dog to be better prepared for the unexpected. In recognition of Pet First Aid Awareness Month, here are some tips on creating a first aid kit specifically for your four-legged best friend, brought to you by our dog training specialists in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida.

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Helping Your Dog Lose Their Winter Weight - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Mar 12th 2019

Winter weight gain is as prevalent for our dogs as it is for us. They do, after all, depend heavily on us to lead them in a healthy lifestyle. So if we've given in to lazy days and indulging in comfort food during the holidays, we're also prone to dwindling with our pup's activity and nutrition. No judgment here; it's easy to do! But now that the days are lengthening and the weather is warming you're likely making goals to lose some weight before summer fully arrives, and your dog may benefit from having the same goal. Here are some simple and effective ways you can help your dog lose some of their winter weight, brought to you by our dog training experts in Port Charlotte.

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Post Christmas Puppy Training - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Jan 23rd 2019

Christmas has come and gone, which means many families have grown by one set of furry paws: a sweet Christmas puppy! Getting a new puppy for the holidays is undoubtedly a joy, but it's also a big and sometimes difficult responsibility. Puppies require time, effort, and commitment that far extends Christmas morning. This is, after all, a life to provide for and take care of daily for the next 10 to 15 years. So what's the first step? Here are some reasons you should start training your new Christmas puppy early, brought to you by our puppy training experts in Port Charlotte.

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What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Dec 23rd 2018

It's not just a myth that chocolate can be dangerous for your pup. While digesting a couple of chocolate chips or a bite of a chocolate cookie may not be a problem, there's always a chance that even a little bit of chocolate could make your dog sick. And with the holidays in full swing there's a higher chance that your dog could get into the sweets. Knowing how much chocolate is considered toxic and treatment for chocolate poisoning could save their life if they've consumed too much. Here are some tips on what to do if your dog eats chocolate, brought to you by our dog obedience training in Port Charlotte.

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Diabetes in Dogs - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Nov 20th 2018

November is nationally recognized as American Diabetes Month, but did you know that it is also Pet Diabetes Awareness Month? Diabetes in dogs has become a growing epidemic throughout the years. Knowing what diabetes is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it if your dog develops it is our responsibility as pet owners to keep our pups as healthy and happy as possible. Here are some facts about diabetes in dogs, brought to you by our k9 training Port Charlotte experts.

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