Reasons to Adopt a Senior Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Nov 11th 2019

November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and our team of dog trainers in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida is excited to share just a few of the reasons to consider adopting a senior dog.

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Dog Facts for National Dog Day - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Aug 26th 2019

In honor of National Dog Day, our top dog trainers in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida are excited to share some fun facts you may not know about your furry best friend!

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How to Help Your Dog If They're Overheated - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Jul 23rd 2019

Heat is the most daunting threat your dog will face this summer. High temperatures may signify the perfect season for venturing outdoors to find adventure with your best friend, but dehydration and overheating come on quickly, with potentially grim results. So before you go out to enjoy the sunshine, here are some ways to help your dog if they become overheated, brought to you by our dog obedience training experts in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida.

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Why You Should License Your Dog - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on Jun 21st 2019

Being a dog owner comes with a lot of responsibilities. Walking them, giving them water and nutritional food, keeping them supplied with toys, playing with them, and taking them to the vet for check-ups are all key pieces in keeping your pup safe, happy, and healthy. However, one duty that many dog owners forget about or neglect is getting their dogs licensed. A pet license simply means that a pet is legally registered within their state to live with their owners and in their residence. This license will provide your dog with protection in many situations and will provide you both with some benefits. But if you don’t know many details about a pet license, you may be a bit hesitant to go through with the process. Here are some reasons why you should license your dog, brought to you by our experts in puppy training in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida.

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Signs That Your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies - Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida

Posted on May 18th 2019

If you’ve ever suffered from seasonal allergies, you know how miserable it is to not be able to enjoy warmer weather with itchy eyes and a runny nose. But you may not be the only one in your home to be suffering from a hypersensitive immune system. Dogs can experience seasonal allergies just like us, with numerous different side effects. Here are some signs that your dog has seasonal allergies, brought to you by our dog obedience training experts in Dog Training Elite of Southwest Florida.

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