You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!
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Hello my name is Bob Wiegand I am the Owner and Lead trainer of Dog Training Elite Omaha. I have lived in the Omaha area my whole life and have had dogs on and off over the years, to me they are not just pets, they are a family members, I have one daughter that lives in Scottsdale, AZ. I have been in the people business over the past 40 years, I was looking for a change when I found out about Dog Training Elite and knew it was the perfect fit. The feeling I get from reconnecting owners with their dog building that bond there is nothing better. When I'm not training dogs you can find me enjoying the country side on my Harley-Davidson, playing a round of golf or a good ole backyard bbq. This is Millie my adorable fur baby mini Golden Doddle.