
Therapy Dog Training in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet

Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville Near You

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A therapy dog is a dog who visits places like schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Therapy dog training in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet teaches dogs to provide comfort, support, and affection to the people they meet, particularly vulnerable people like children, seniors, patients in hospitals, and so on.

Therapy dogs are not service dogs. Service dogs are trained to perform specific tasks to help a person who has a disability. This distinction is important because therapy dogs do not have the same access to public places like service dogs do. For example, service dogs can go into restaurants, but therapy dogs cannot. Therapy dogs still provide a valuable service and should receive therapy dog certification.

Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville provides therapy dog training in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet to give people emotional support in all stages of life.

Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.

Best In-Home Dog Trainers Near Me in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet
Highest Rated Dog Obedience Trainers Near You in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet
Top Dog Trainers Near Me in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet
In-Home Dog Trainers Near You in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet
Children can especially benefit from therapy animals - Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville is happy to help your family with these certifications.

Who Do Therapy Dogs Help?

Therapy dogs may be regular visitors to a variety of people and places, with hospitals and rehabilitation centers being among the most common. Children, in particular, respond positively to therapy dogs.

Seniors in assisted living or people with mental disabilities who live in facilities and experience feelings of isolation also see a lot of benefits from visiting with a therapy dog.

Besides providing valuable social opportunities and relieving anxiety, therapy dogs may even help lower blood pressure and heart rate in patients and the other people they visit.

Why Are Therapy Dogs Important?

Therapy dogs offer unconditional love, non-judgmental interaction, reduce stress, anxiety and loneliness, and provide an overall positive distraction to ailments. Research shows therapy dogs can have a positive effect on a patient’s mood, stress and pain levels during facility stays.

Young patients — children — seem to benefit most from working with therapy dogs. They are more motivated to participate in treatments, feel optimistic about the future, and experience an overall sense of calm when a certified therapy dog is present.

For people who may have a hard time socializing due to mental disabilities or their living situation, therapy dogs can promote social interaction within their community and help them to connect.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

DTE was amazing. They helped my dog stop jumping. Come when called and just overall, better manners In general. group classes were amazing and it really seem to help my dog focus at a high level of distraction.
— jaycee Randal
Posted July 26th 2024
Malancy (our trainer) is fantastic. We have gone from a wild boxer puppy (10 months), named Kash, to an easily controllable one year old in a few short weeks, with her help. The progress on a weekly basis is unbelievable. I come away from each session completely shocked at what our puppy is learning and the control that Malancy is teaching my wife and I to have with him. An added bonus is it really seems like Kash is enjoying being trained. I highly recommend this program to anyone who has a four legged friend that needs help with manners. The difference is night and day and we certainly have not regretted this decision.
— Brandon Clemmons
Posted August 24th 2023
Malancy with Dog Training Elite has been my savior! Before working with her my schnoodle Luna was extremely stubborn and even though she knew basic commands, she refused to listen. I specifically chose DTE for behavioral training, and I am so happy I did. Not only does Luna LOVE malancy, I finally feel like she loves me too! This training program has made our relationship so much better. She’s learned discernment around other dogs, walks and heels perfect on a leash, listens to all basic commands and it has even helped her stay calmer alone when I leave her to go to work. I can’t thank DTE and Malancy enough. Now that she’s fully training I feel comfortable getting her a playmate and I will once again work with Malancy when puppy comes home. :)
— Krys Nicole
Posted August 17th 2023
Malancy was an amazing trainer, her energy and passion was infectious! Tess loved every minute of her training and I couldn’t be happier with the results! Thank you to Dog Training Elite.
— Craig Anderson
Posted June 27th 2023
We are so pleased we chose your company for training. Malancy is so good at her job that we were fortunate to get her. We’ve come to love her and what isn’t to love. Our puppy has learned from the best of the best. We’re gonna miss her. This is the best training in this area.
— Tom Gaumer
Posted June 7th 2023
These guys deliver! After a few sessions, I was able to take my dog on a walk without fearing she’d be aggressive to others. Malancy and Brad are super!
— Cathi Phillips
Posted May 30th 2023
We were assigned Melancy to help train our pup. Very friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommend her and Dog Training Elite!!
— Lynne Gaumer
Posted May 27th 2023
My dog is so much better! I have a husky mix with a huge running away problem but after the in home sessions in our package his recall is amazing. He’s improved so much! Our trainer Malancy is so knowledgeable about dogs and how their minds work, somehow she was able to conquer his stubbornness and showed me how to make this a forever change! Love Dog training elite and Malancy!
— Angel Durrani
Posted May 25th 2023
I am totally satisfied and happy with the results. My dog “Jackson” was very difficult to deal with. He was always dragging me or pulling, he was combative with other dogs and just uncontrollable . However, after a few lessons we got him to sit, finally! Then lie down, then go to your place. We got him use to walking near other dogs. Now I look forward to walking him in the park, I can take him to dog park he has learned to play rather than be aggressive. Brad was very patient and did a good job teaching me how to teach Jackson.
— James Knott
Posted May 27th 2023
With an in-home demonstration and a full breakdown of what they offer and what you can expect from the training sessions, you can't go wrong when starting work with Dog Training Elite. Malancy has been laser-focused and firm with our dog, completely methodical as a trainer, and the progress we have seen in six weeks has been incredible. We not only have a much better-behaved dog but also a road map on how to work with him going forward. If you have a dog who's out of control or simply requires a bit of direction, Dog Training Elite's services are exactly what you need.
— Mack Elder
Posted May 27th 2023
My wife and I own a nine-month-old Vizsla male who is an energy machine. We needed obedience and off-leash training and after working with a couple of other trainers went to Dog Training Elite Nashville for help. Out trainer, Malancy, had him under control within a few sessions and running off leash in open fields within 5 weeks. Using a verity of training methods, Malancy had our Vizsla’s attention and respect, and she was able to convey those techniques to us. Our dog still has the same energy and enthusiasm but is now under control. We highly recommend this trainer.
— Kevin Raleigh
Posted May 24th 2023
Our trainer was Malancy. My wife and I found her to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Our dog Dan loved her also, and she made a positive difference in him from day one. Dog training comes very natural to her. Thanks Malancy for everything.
— Dave Ten
Posted May 23rd 2023
Brad from Dog Training Elite was great! My territorial dog has become much more calm! We were able to get another dog and have since added goats. We would have never been able to do that prior to training!
— Alicia Hoyle
Posted May 5th 2023
I started my dog with the basic gold package to work on obedience. Malancey has been my trainer and she has been wonderful! She has helped me learn to watch my dog for cues on his behavior and has helped my dog learn to listen and obey while still having fun. Malancey came to my home for the training (I’m unable to do group training due to my work schedule) and it has been so helpful to have training done in my home setting so that I can continue that same work during the week. She has also offered different tips and tricks, outside of basic commands that have been so helpful! I’m closing in on the end of this golds package training and I really look forward to continuing on to therapy training next. I highly recommend Dog Training Elite of Greater Nashville because I am learning so much, but also I am seeing my dog become even more of a sweet, smart, and Obedient puppy! Thank you so much Dog Training Elite!
— Abbie Tingle
Posted May 3rd 2023
Elite dog training is simply the best ! Our golden retriever Nala is so smart and well behaved now. Malancy is a wonderful, respectful, and talented dog trainer who is always welcomed in our home. Her love and passion for training dogs is evident !
— Denise Durham
Posted April 26th 2023
I am currently going through the training with Malancy as the trainer. My family and I have been working with her to establish the baseline for our dog Luna. She has been phenomenal in working with our dog. Teaching her the basic fundamentals of what is required to eventually become a service dog. Everyone praises how well behaved and trained Luna is. Malancy was very thoughtful, and thorough in explaining the whys and don'ts of this process. I would highly recommend and encourage anyone seeking training services to move forward with Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville!!
— Larry d
Posted April 4th 2023
I interviewed multiple dog trainers. This company does what they promise. They come to you for a demonstration for free!— they stand behind their work. No gimmicks. They know what they’re doing; they’re effective. The training is straight-forward, easy and sustainable.
— Amy Brashear
Posted April 4th 2023
They transformed our chaotically energetic dog into the most attentive, calm and focused boy! Our trainer was so friendly and thorough and I would recommend them 100% to anyone! Their services totally transformed our dog and family. Thank you!
— Jennifer Gragg
Posted March 24th 2023
8 weeks ago my wife and I were at a crossroad. Our 1 1/2 year old lab was destroying everything in and outside of our house and he would overwhelm guests by jumping/peeing on them. It had gotten to the point we had to keep him in our garage when we were expecting visitors. He was and is the sweetest thing, but no matter the amount of dog training books or videos, the situation we were in was only getting worse. We were at a point when we thought he wasn't going to work out with our family, so it was decided that we needed some help from the professionals. We reached out and talked with Brad at Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville. He was empathetic with us and the situation we were in. He reassured that whatever behaviors our dog was expressing, could be easily remedied. Malancy at Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville was the professional trainer we worked with throughout the entire process and she was amazing! Extremely knowledgeable and friendly! We just finished our last in home training visit and we couldn't be happier. With their guidance and expertise, our dog is not only well-behaved, but truly feels like he's part of our family. Thank you again to Malancy and the team at Dog Training Elite for helping mold our puppy into the best dog we've ever had.
— Nick Gragg
Posted March 17th 2023
Absolutely amazing, they’re 100% respectful and extremely knowledgeable at what they do. Can’t thank them enough for helping us with our dog!
— Dylan L
Posted January 26th 2023

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This cute pup is excited to learn and help provide support with his therapy training with Dog Training Elite Greater NashvilleHendersonville / Mt. Juliet.

How Does a Dog Become a Therapy Dog?

If you have felt the benefits of owning a dog, you may feel inspired to help more people feel the unconditional love, joy and support your dog provides. However, having a friendly, loving personality isn’t enough for a dog to qualify as a therapy dog. Some other qualifications to consider are:

  • The age of your dog. Puppies do not make good therapy animals.
  • How obedient your dog is. It’s important your dog listens to you and obeys basic commands. Dogs that go through obedience training with Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville have the perfect foundation to go onto therapy dog training, as long as they are old enough.
  • How social your dog is. Your dog may be affectionate with you — but are they affectionate with strangers? Do they like to receive attention from strangers, particularly petting?

Therapy Dog Handlers

As a dog owner, it’s important to reflect on whether you would like to become a therapy dog handler as well. If you enjoy connecting with people, becoming a therapy dog handler may be a great fit. You can also choose where to volunteer to better suit your interests — if you like kids, volunteer to visit schools or children’s hospitals. If you prefer to work with older people, then sign up to visit senior living centers.

Once you’ve determined that becoming a therapy dog handler and helping your dog become a therapy dog is the right move for the two of you, you’re ready to start therapy dog training. The trainers of Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville are experts in the behaviors needed in a therapy dog and will help you and your dog either brush up on or master behaviors such as “leave it,” “watch me,” loose-leash walking and not jumping on other people.

To help your dog become well socialized, you may consider also signing up for one of Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville’s group obedience classes. A group class environment is also beneficial because it helps your dog learn to be obedient when there are a lot of distractions around, a crucial skill for a therapy dog.

Once you’ve completed initial training, you’re ready to apply for therapy dog certification in Hendersonville / Mt. Juliet. However, it is important to note that this certification is not the end. It’s important to stay on top of your dog’s training and continue to help them be the best therapy dog they can be.

By working with Dog Training Elite Greater NashvilleHendersonville / Mt. Juliet, you will also be trained to be a therapy dog handler with your pup.

Why do Therapy Dog Training with Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville?

The Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville training method stands out because of its emphasis on positive reinforcement. Dogs are never punished for bad behavior, instead they are rewarded for good behavior. This kind of training makes a huge difference in your relationship with your dog, and will make a difference in how your dog interacts with other people.

The balanced training method of Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville fosters a dog’s naturally loving and obedient nature. Focusing on positive reinforcement and rewarding good behavior helps build a strong bond between dog and owner built on love and trust. This foundation in turn becomes a great foundation for dog and owner to become a fabulous therapy team providing an invaluable service to the community.

If you feel therapy dog certification is right for you and your dog, get started by contacting Dog Training Elite Greater Nashville. Request your free training demo and in-home assessment today.

Contact Dog Training Elite Greater NashvilleHendersonville / Mt. Juliet if you feel this certification is right for you and your pup.

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