
Dog Trainers Near You

Labrador Puppy Training in Dallas, TX

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Contact Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth

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Labradors have been the No. 1 most popular dog breed in America for close to three decades. It’s not hard to understand why – Labradors are playful, energetic, smart and friendly. They make great companions for individuals and families and generally get along with children and other pets.

Although high-energy, Labradors are laidback and easy going, unfazed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Bred originally to be working dogs, their intelligence also makes them a great option for service or therapy dogs.

If you are starting out with a brand new Labrador puppy, Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth’s personalized in-home training programs can help you develop a strong bond with your new puppy and harness all of the incredible benefits of the breed.

Labradors are a highly intelligent breed that loves to please, making Labrador puppy training in Dallas a breeze. Working in your own home, a Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth trainer will create a personalized training plan for you and your puppy, addressing any unique needs or issues your puppy may have.

Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth offers expert Labrador puppy training services near you in Dallas.

Socialization is also important for your new puppy. Once your puppy has completed obedience training, Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth offers puppy group classes which is a great way to help your puppy socialize with other dogs and people, as well as learn to obey you in a distracting environment.

While beginning Labrador puppy training at an early age can be important and extremely helpful for dogs, if you adopt an older Labrador dog don’t worry! Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth’s training methods work with older dogs too, and Labrador training will still be a snap with your Labrador’s eager-to-please attitude.

Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.



  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 4 Sessions
  • Group Park Training Sessions 4 Weeks
  • Come
  • Heel(walk with you without pulling)
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture, if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Place(go to bed)



  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 6 Sessions
  • Group Park Training Sessions 6 Months
  • Come
  • Heel(walk with you without pulling)
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Place(go to bed)
  • Down(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Housebreaking / Potty Training
  • Build Confidence
  • Off-leash Obedience
  • Load into Car or Kennel
  • STOP Running Away
  • STOP Jumping on People
  • STOP Puppy Biting
  • STOP Chasing Animals
  • STOP Digging



Platinum offers advanced obedience/behavioral modification with a goal of off-leash control. Includes additional training options and offers more one-on-one and group sessions than Gold.

  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 8 Sessions
  • Group Training SessionsOne-hour sessions Unlimited *see above description
  • Come
  • Place(go to bed)
  • Heel(walk with you without pulling)
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Down(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Housebreaking / Potty Training
  • Build Confidence
  • Off-leash Obedience
  • Load into Car or Kennel
  • STOP Running Away
  • STOP Jumping on People
  • STOP Puppy Biting
  • STOP Chasing Animals
  • STOP Chasing
  • STOP Digging
  • Control Aggression(dog & human)
  • Calm Anxiety
  • Stay with You on Jog, Hike, or Bike Ride
  • AKC Canine Good Citizen Testing, All 3 Levels
  • Lifetime Support via in-person, text, email, or virtual
  • In-person support sessions to be scheduled once per month as needed (and at the discretion of the trainer), after completing initial program.
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What Makes Labradors Unique?

There are many reasons to love Labradors. Here are just a few:

  1. Labradors Love the Water
  2. You may have already known this fact, because Labs are pretty famous for loving the water. They’re actually made for it! A Lab can use their thick tail – sometimes referred to as an “otter tail” – as a powerful rudder. They also have wide, webbed feet to help them swim fast and waterproof coats that help them stay comfortable even in cold water.

  3. They were Bred as Hunting Dogs
  4. Initially, Labs were bred as duck retrievers, and then later as game-hunting companions. They tend to excel in retriever field trials and retriever hunting tests. They’re incredibly versatile as sport dogs, excelling in agility, rally and obedience sports.

  5. Labs Come in Three Colors
  6. Labrador coats come in three colors – black, yellow, and chocolate.

  7. Labs can do Almost Anything
  8. Their intelligence, energy and affectionate nature makes them a popular choice for service and therapy dogs, as well as for search and rescue teams, and bomb and drug detection. Suffice to say, all Labradors are very good dogs who do very good jobs.

Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth is the #1 labrador puppy training near you in Dallas.

Keeping Your Labrador Happy and Healthy

Although Labradors are famously laid back and friendly, that doesn’t mean they don’t require attentive care. If you’re considering adopting a Labrador, or you already have one and want to learn more about how to keep your pup happy and healthy, consider the following:

  • Labradors Need Plenty of Exercise - Although Labs are easy going, they need plenty of exercise – even up to two hours a day. This can be made up of long walks, training sessions, playing fetch or going to the dog park. Though it’s important to make sure they get enough exercise, you also need to be careful you don’t let your dog overdo it, especially as a puppy why their joints and bones are still growing.
  • Groom Your Lab Weekly - Labradors have short, smooth coats that are prone to shedding. Combing them weekly with a comb or bristle brush, or combing daily during shedding season, can help keep shedding under control. Make sure you have a good vacuum!
  • Manage their Diet - As big, energetic dogs, Labs need to eat a lot – but they can be prone to putting on pounds, as well. Follow the recommended amounts on dog food packaging, or consult with your vet.
  • Make sure Your Labrador Gets Lots of Attention - Labradors are very social. Socialization with other dogs is important, so trips to the dog park, doggy play dates or group training classes at Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth can be beneficial for both you and your dog. If your Lab has to be home without you for long stretches of time, be sure to have stimulating dog toys, puzzles and chew toys available for them, and consider hiring someone to check on and play with them during the day.

Pricing Programs Free Assessment

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Our Balanced Theory

We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model (a.k.a. "Pavlovian" or "respondent conditioning"). This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking about it. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

  • Empowering Owners
    We empower Owners to train so their dog knows who to obey at all times.
  • Personalized
    We deal with problem behaviors on a personal basis.
  • Environment Specific
    We train wherever issues tend to arise (i.e. jogging, park, home).
  • Supportive
    We support Owners in the off-hours (when training is "not in session").
  • Involved
    We work with all members of the household.
  • Simplified & Customized
    We plan training around the owner's schedule and require only 20 min/day follow-up practice.
  • Continued Training
    Additional programs / group sessions offered after in-home training.
  • Lifetime Investment
    We follow up & are invested in the owner's success long-term.
  • Satisfaction Ratings
    Our high client satisfaction rating sets us apart from competitors.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

Before we brought our Golden Retriever puppy home, we knew that we wanted to enlist the aid of a trainer to teach her but also teach us how to efficiently train our new puppy. Felicity was our trainer— she was great! She was super knowledgeable and patient with the millions of questions that we had. Hazel really enjoyed her training sessions and she is learning so fast. I cannot recommend Felicity and Dog Training Elite Dallas enough! I know the work we put in with training Hazel now will benefit her in the future.
— Bri Arroyo
Posted January 27th 2024
Felicity has been a fantastic dog trainer. Our dog has made such swift progress after working with her. We couldn’t be more happy that we get to work with her. She is truly gifted.
— Ross Murrell
Posted January 27th 2024
We were at our wits end with our rescue pup. Had tried everything and I mean everything with no luck. We were determined to not give up on her. But we were all fretting over whether she was a good fit in our lives. Found this company and called for an evaluation. We knew whatever we invested in this dog would bring us years of joy. It has transformed our fearful, anxious dog into a wonderful happy pup. (She’s got more training to do but she’s doing awesome! ) We had Felicity, Luke, and Euni work with us over 6 weeks in our home. Felicity saw her on the first and last visit and immediately noticed an huge change in her! Our sweet pup is making such good progress! Best trainers ever as they worked with us to help us work with her. Awesome experience and I highly recommend them!
— Karen Winget
Posted December 29th 2023
Every trainer that I have worked with is exceptionally knowledgeable, kind, professional, and overall very easy to talk to and to learn from. My dog is becoming more confident with every session, and I am very grateful to Dog Training Elite for making that happen ❤️
— Jericca Cassani
Posted December 23rd 2023
I am so pleased with this company I begin to tell you how they have changed my life with my new adopted baby girl . She was so scared and wanted to bite everyone and in one week that behavior had changed. Felicity, Tyler and all the trainers at Dog Training Institute are professionals and know exactly what they are doing. I would recommend these guys to anyone !!
— Kim Margowski
Posted December 22nd 2023
Dog Training Elite was the best thing we did for our 7-month-old Vizsla! We had a good foundation with basic commands prior to enrolling him, but we certainly did not feel confident enough to allow him off-leash when we go on the trails and needed help with impulse control as far as staying in place for longer periods of time and less excitable greetings. After just a few days at the facility, we saw such a difference, and by the end of the two weeks, we had a pup with so much impulse control and incredible manners. Not to mention--the e-collar wasn't something I felt confident training myself, since my biggest concern was creating a negative relationship with it, but they did a fantastic job. We've now also done in-home training sessions, which we focused on remaining neutral and not greeting ever dog when we're out, and his progress in just one session was tremendous. We can't stop saying enough great things about Tra, Felicity, Yuni, Kelly, and the rest of the DTE team. The facility was clean, and most importantly, the trainers exhibit such an understanding of canine behavior and psychology. Although it's a little bit pricier than other facilities we looked into, my husband and I have said repeatedly it was worth every penny. We met another pup that was the same age as ours that was so rowdy and excitable, and the owners told us they had just finished training with another well-known facility that we happened to look into as well. Needless to say, we were so glad we didn't end up choosing that facility. Their personalized approach is what makes the biggest difference. DTE exceeded our expectations, and we're incredibly grateful for the time, patience, and compassion they showed our Maverick. If you want top-notch training that delivers great results, DTE won't disappoint.
— Allie Xirinachs
Posted December 20th 2023
Dog Training Elite was the best thing we did for our 7-month-old Vizsla! We had a good foundation with basic commands prior to enrolling him, but we certainly did not feel confident enough to allow him off-leash when we go on the trails and needed help with impulse control as far as staying in place for longer periods of time and less excitable greetings. After just a few days at the facility, we saw such a difference, and by the end of the two weeks, we had a pup with so much impulse control and incredible manners. Not to mention--the e-collar wasn't something I felt confident training myself, since my biggest concern was causing a negative relationship with it, but they did a fantastic job. We've now also done in-home training sessions, which we focused on remaining neutral and not greeting ever dog when we're out, and his progress in just one session was tremendous. We can't stop saying enough great things about Tra, Felicity, Yuni, Kelly, and the rest of the DTE team. The facility was clean, and most importantly, the trainers exhibit such an understanding of canine behavior and psychology. Although it's a little bit pricier than other facilities we looked into, my husband and I have said repeatedly it was worth every penny. We met another pup that was the same age as ours that was so rowdy and excitable, and the owners told us they had just finished training with another well-known facility that we happened to look into as well. Needless to say, we were so glad we didn't end up choosing that facility. For us, their personalized approach is what makes the biggest difference. DTE exceeded our expectations, and we're incredibly grateful for the time, patience, and compassion they showed our Maverick. If you want top-notch training that delivers great results, DTE won't disappoint.
— Allison Xirinachs
Posted December 20th 2023
I am having a great experience with Dog Training Elite Dallas. Felicity is our trainer, and she is fantastic. My doggie is a dachshund and they are known to be stubborn by nature. However, Felicity teaches her new skills quickly and efficiently, and teaches me how to practice and reinforce those skills. She is firm while also being warm and kind. Both my doggie and I love working with her!
— Terre From Texas
Posted September 11th 2023
This has been a great experience for our dog. Felicity, his trainer, has been great with Lido and he has learned to not puppy bite as much and has learned to take different commands very well. He has become a much more obedient dog. Lido actually gets very excited every time he gets time with Felicity. Thanks for all your help!
— Tracy Michel
Posted August 26th 2023
We absolutely loved working with dog training elite!! They were amazing at helping us with our malinois mix! Felicity, Luke, Tra, Cheyanne, and Kyler were all great. We enjoyed our experience so much we’re going to add protection training!
— Brianna Donley
Posted August 25th 2023
So far the training has been great. My dog has been responding very well to the training.
— Janet Millinder
Posted August 23rd 2023
Felicity has been training Benson for just a couple months and the difference she has helped make in him are nothing short of amazing!!! The company is easy to work with, compassionate and you can tell their goal is not only 100% customer satisfaction but also care for the dogs. Felicity answers all my questions, gives amazing advice and ensures I understand how to practice with Benson. I am very pleased with every aspect of Dog Training Elite and recommend them wholeheartedly. Update: Benson passed his 2nd public access test today with Felicity! She has been with him every step of the way. I wish I had the words to explain how amazing she is. Benson has come a long way and will definitely be an amazing mobility service dog.
— Elizabeth McKenzie
Posted April 19th 2023
In a month, they have been able to help me train my puppy on the way to become my service dog! They are so understanding and supportive! The training focuses on positive as opposed to negative reinforcement on the collar which makes Draco more excited to put it on in the morning. Places I used in the past used it as a negative which made my dog (originally attempted to be a therapy dog) fearful and avoided having it on. Note: The first image was his first day training in public and in the second image he did not have his vest on, but still instinctively went into "tuck".
— Ashley Dodge
Posted August 8th 2023
Luke has been so amazing with my puppy, Punxsy (she will be 8 months on July 25, 2023). Luke is so compassionate, knowledgeable, and patient. He was integral getting her trained as a service dog. His training enabled me to fly home with her to see my family in Delaware. As a service dog, she was able to stay with me in the cabin of the airplane, laying at my feet. I have PTSD from my time in the military, and he taught Punxsy skills to comfort me. Luke is amazing, and Punxsy and I thank you so much! Sheena and Punxsy
— Sheena McIntire
Posted July 18th 2023
DTE is amazing.. I have a rescue that has forgotten how to be a dog.. Felicity has worked with me and my Happy girl and not only helped my fur baby start to open up but she is helping me to become that dog mom I need to be for her.. Thank you Felicity 🥰
— joann askew
Posted July 17th 2023
Excellent training: we did the puppy camp - 4 sessions. 2 were with Luke and 2 with Felicity. The training provided exceptional value to us: we saw how to approach puppy training, both answered all our questions and then some. We are progressing nicely with our puppy’s training and the training we received at Dog Training Elite Frisco provided us the right direction and a boost! Very thankful for their support and patience - I feel we went through the training ourselves. Thank you Luke and Felicity!
— Alex Weiss
Posted July 11th 2023
Felicity helped my pup, Noodle learn basic skills that have helped in the puppy phase. It was amazing seeing with a little guidance, how much easier the puppy stage has been. Definitely recommend!
— Cassandra Keller
Posted July 5th 2023
Fantastic! Huge difference in our dogs and Felicity is awesome!!!!
— Jennifer Robb
Posted June 21st 2023
Cheyenne came out for first training visit for our border collie, Hubert. She is very knowledgeable and made sure we understand how to work with him on new skills. We had been taking him elsewhere for basic training before beginning his service dog training with Elite. The one exception was as she was leaving: she made a comment that we baby him too much; however she didn't give any examples so we would know how to correct it.
— Donna Friesen
Posted June 4th 2023
Calling DTE was one of the best things we’ve done for our dogs. Every single trainer was knowledgeable and true professionals. Money well spent.!!!
— Stephanie McBride
Posted June 2nd 2023

All Reviews Set Up an Assessment Today!

Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth has expert dog trainers near you in Dallas that are experienced in a variety of puppy training methods for Labradors.

Labrador Training With Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth

The Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth training method is based around classical conditioning with an emphasis on positive reinforcement. Classical conditioning means developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands, so when you say “sit,” your dog will sit automatically. Labradors respond especially well to positive reinforcement, but Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth trainers will tailor the Labrador puppy training method and programs to suit any individual dog’s needs.

While all dogs share qualities of kindness, loyalty and intelligence regardless of breed, Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth recognizes that every dog is an individual and may require different training methods. Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth stands out by taking into consideration what breed your dog is when making training goals.

Whatever your dog’s breed, Dog Training Elite Dallas—Fort Worth can help you and your dog overcome any obstacles related to obedience and socialization. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

Ready to turn your Labrador into the best companion for you or your family? Contact us today to receive a free in-home assessment or Labrador training demonstration.

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