
Dog Trainers Near You

How to Choose a Dog Trainer in Albuquerque / Santa Fe, NM

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Training is key to creating a safe, loving environment for your canine companion. Dogs are great learners and always eager to please their owners. With the right techniques, a little patience, and consistency from the whole family, Fido can learn just about anything.

Besides teaching your dog respectful behaviors (like no excessive barking and no begging from the table), training keeps your dog:

  • Safe
    If your dog knows to come on command, or “stay” in place, both of you will be safer when outdoors. Untrained dogs may dart off into the road, or become distracted by their surroundings and get lost.
  • Smart

    Consistent instruction is mentally stimulating and improves your dog’s cognitive health. Learning also prevents boredom and the destructive habits that result from it.

  • Happy

    Dogs thrive on positive, loving relationships with their human family members. A dog that doesn’t know proper behavior is unlikely to have a positive relationship with the people around him. By teaching your dog what behaviors are acceptable, you establish a comfortable and loving environment.

Dog Training Elite is proud to have the highest rated professional dog trainers near you in Albuquerque / Santa Fe.

Effective training is key to a positive dog-owner relationship. Learning how to communicate with your canine companion is difficult without assistance, however. If you’ve been struggling with your dog’s behavior, it may be time to find a professional dog trainer near you.

Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite New Mexico location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.



Training Equipment Included: E-Collar

  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 3 In-Home Sessions*
  • Come
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture, if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Place(go to bed)



Training Equipment Included: E collar, Training Clicker, Biothane 4' Flat Leash, Place Cot, Bag

  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 5 In-Home Sessions*
  • Group Training Sessions 6 Months Unlimited*
  • Come
  • Heel(walk with you without pulling)
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Down(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Place(go to bed)
  • Housebreaking / Potty Training
  • Calm Anxiety & Build Confidence
  • Get into Car or Kennel
  • STOP Running Away
  • STOP Jumping on People
  • STOP Puppy Biting
  • STOP Chasing Animals
  • STOP Chewing
  • STOP Digging




Our platinum package offers you training sessions throughout your dog's lifetime!
Follow-up sessions to be scheduled once per month as needed, after initial program is completed.

Training Equipment Included: E collar, Training Clicker, Biothane 4' Flat Leash, Flexi Leash, Place Cot, Bag

  • In-Home Training SessionsOne-on-one & personalized 8 In-Home Sessions*
  • Group Training ClassesOne-hour sessions Lifetime Unlimited *
  • Lifetime Follow Up & Group Support
  • Come
  • Place(go to bed)
  • Heel(walk with you without pulling)
  • Sit(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Off(furniture if desired)
  • Quiet(stop excessive barking & whining)
  • Down(next to you & off leash at a distance)
  • Housebreaking / Potty Training
  • Calm Anxiety & Build Confidence
  • Get into Car or Kennel
  • STOP Running Away
  • STOP Jumping on People
  • STOP Puppy Biting
  • STOP Chasing Animals
  • STOP Chewing
  • STOP Digging
  • Control Aggression(dog & human)
  • Therapy dog training See Details
Best In-Home Dog Trainers Near Me in Albuquerque / Santa Fe
Highest Rated Dog Obedience Trainers Near You in Albuquerque / Santa Fe
Top Dog Trainers Near Me in Albuquerque / Santa Fe
In-Home Dog Trainers Near You in Albuquerque / Santa Fe

Finding Professionals In An Unregulated Industry

There is no regulating body or licensing process for professional dog trainers. Anyone can advertise themselves as a trainer, whether they have the necessary skills and knowledge or not.

Navigating through this unregulated industry can be tricky. As a dog owner, you want a qualified trainer that will:

  • Respect you, your dog, and your family.
  • Stick to your schedule.
  • Use positive training methods.
  • Never harm your dog.
  • Address your dog's unique needs and behaviors.
  • Teach you how to better communicate with your dog.
  • Provide ongoing support and check-in after training sessions.
  • Train in various settings, environments and stages.
  • Empower you to build a healthy, loving bond with your dog.

It takes years of experience and education for trainers to be able to offer all of the above. So how do you find a professional that fits your and your dog’s needs?

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"Pawsitive" Indicators of a Good Dog Trainer

Some things to look for when searching for a Albuquerque / Santa Fe dog trainer include:

Training Technique

There are various training methods out there, but the most effective is positive reinforcement. According to the American Kennel Service, positive reinforcement techniques “are based on the science of animal learning and have the bonus of strengthening the dog-owner bond.”

    Stay Away From:
  • “Alpha Dog” or dominance-based training techniques. Dominance theory is based on incorrect assumptions of dog and wolf behavior. Dog behaviorists have proven that positive techniques are the only healthy way to communicate with dogs. Dominant, punishment-based training causes anxiety, fear and aggression.
  • Trainers that use choke-chains, shock collars, sprays, and other punishment tactics.

You want to enjoy the time spent with your trainer, so find someone with a happy, exciting personality. You’re looking for a professional, of course, but we are all dog lovers here, so light-hearted attitudes are important. Your dog must connect well with a trainer for efficient learning, so pay attention to how your dog reacts to your chosen trainer.

    Stay Away From:
  • Trainers that make you feel bad about your relationship with your dog or your dog’s behavior.
  • Rude, dismissive attitudes, and trainers that are too uptight.
  • Trainers that use harsh words and aggressive tactics.

A dog trainer is truly a teacher at heart, and their goal is to teach you how to better communicate with your dog. You need a coach who helps you connect better with your pet, empowering you to build a strong bond. When the trainer is gone, you’ll be the one giving the commands, so make sure you find someone that is understanding, patient, and committed.

    Stay Away From:
  • A trainer that does not want to involve you and your family members in the process.
  • Programs that only offer board and train -- effective training involves various settings, including classes and inside the home.
  • Trainers that cannot explain how dogs learn and cannot teach you how to communicate with your dog.

Dog trainers do not need a license, but there are various education programs available. Look for a trainer that can prove their credentials with experience, education, and certifications. If you have a specific need, such as personal protection or service training, be sure to find a trainer that is experienced in that area.

At Dog Training Elite, our dog trainers are educated and experienced with training dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. All locations are registered with the Professional Retriever Trainers Association, the International Association of Canine Professionals, and the American Kennel Club.

    Stay Away From:
  • Trainers that cannot prove their education, experience, or background.


All dogs have unique personalities and life experiences that shape their behaviors. A well-qualified trainer offers customizable programs tailored to the unique needs of each client and dog. In-home training approaches are preferred, so the trainer can observe your dog in his home environment (where he feels most comfortable acting naughty!).

You should also look for a trainer that covers both basic obedience and advanced programs.

    Stay Away From:
  • Trainers that can’t teach more than basic obedience commands.
  • A trainer that diagnoses medical issues as reasoning for problem behaviors. Trainers are not licensed veterinarians and should never diagnose a dog. If a medical issue is suspected, a qualified trainer will recommend you speak to a vet.
Good References

References and consumer reviews are key to finding a reliable trainer. Ask around at the dog park for good references, and research each trainer or company. Read through customer reviews and take a look at how professional their website appears.

    Stay Away From:
  • Trainers that have no website or online references, or trainers that have poor reviews.
  • Trainers with reviews that mention aggressive tactics, fear-based techniques, and punishment-based theory.

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Our Balanced Theory

We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model (a.k.a. "Pavlovian" or "respondent conditioning"). This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking about it. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

  • Empowering Owners
    We empower Owners to train so their dog knows who to obey at all times.
  • Personalized
    We deal with problem behaviors on a personal basis.
  • Environment Specific
    We train wherever issues tend to arise (i.e. jogging, park, home).
  • Supportive
    We support Owners in the off-hours (when training is "not in session").
  • Involved
    We work with all members of the household.
  • Simplified & Customized
    We plan training around the owner's schedule and require only 20 min/day follow-up practice.
  • Continued Training
    Additional programs / group sessions offered after in-home training.
  • Lifetime Investment
    We follow up & are invested in the owner's success long-term.
  • Satisfaction Ratings
    Our high client satisfaction rating sets us apart from competitors.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

Overall great experience with John. My dog has come such a long way and I’m a lot more confident with him too. Package was on the pricey side but this was necessary for my situation and my dogs aggression and reactiveness.
— Leslie Salinas
Posted June 23rd 2024
I did service dog training with my labradoodle. Everyone on the team was amazing. They come to your home do the training there. John the dog trainer was always on time. Alway tried to find answers to my questions.
— Sherry Sanchez
Posted June 19th 2024
John was so patient and kind. He is very knowledgable and always worked with me to find what would work best for our dog and our family. Our Dachshund puppy was so stubborn and difficult but thanks to John she listens to commands, doesn't pee and poop out of revenge, is fully crate trained and more. This company actually cares about clients. John and team went out of their way to check in on us and even offer us additional support when our lessons were over. HIGHLY recommend Dog Training Elite for quality, service and support.
— Alex Sanchez
Posted June 7th 2024
Stephanie was awesome and did great with our two dogs! Justin was easy to communicate with for scheduling! Now we will get to take Alba and Tula to group classes for 6 months, which will be really beneficial.
— Jared Salas
Posted May 31st 2024
No amount of words can express how much we value Dog Training Elite. They have done an awesome job with our German Shepherd who is almost a year now. Our Trainer John is nothing less than the best. He is very patient and encouraging every step of the way. We recommend him 1000% and will always be thankful to know we have the best of the best. Please consider taking on Dog Training Elite they will not let you down!!
— kaytlyn vigil
Posted May 23rd 2024
We have been working with John for 2 months now with training our Lab puppy to become a service dog. We are completely amazed at how much our puppy has transformed over these past two months. John has been so wonderful to work with each week. He gives us and our puppy confidence in training and learning. His instructions are clear, and he is willing to answer all of the questions we have for him each week. I 100% would recommend everyone who wants an obedient dog to utilize Dog Training Elite. Thanks John!
— Sherry Stamper
Posted May 22nd 2024
Dog training elite has been working with my dog since he was 6 months old and he has now 15 months old. My dog had reached the service dog level and we continue to work on those skills everyday. The trainer is timely with their visits to my home and Training is thorough and fun for the dog nd the owner.. Their staff is compassionate and caring and well trained in training dogs. It is obvious that they enjoy their job and they love the dogs and the owners become friends with the trainer. I am a firm believer that if you're going to own a dog, training is the best way to make sure you have a dog as a great member of the family and the community. Training is an investment in your animal . A trained dog works well within the family and the family is happier because the dog is obedient. I highly recommend DOG TAINING ELITE!
— Cynthia Dunnington
Posted May 18th 2024
I wish I could share Dog Training Elite with every dog owner in New Mexico! They have been my saving grace! My current service dog is getting older, and training a new puppy while working full time can be a task to juggle on the best day! Dog Training Elite has been able to work around my schedule, come to my home and work in 'real world' scenarios to prepare my new puppy to enable my current service dog to retire and play in the back yard in her golden years. John, our trainer, has been so patient and has come up with amazing ways to teach this seasoned dog owner a new thing or two! If you are on the fence about a trainer, DONT WAIT! Dog Training Elite is worth your time and will help you train your dog for life! I feel so much more secure that my Gungi will be a focused, predictable and contributing team mate for me when I am in public and a well behaved pet during his off time. Thank you Dog Training Elite New Mexico and John! Here is a photo of Gungi during his first restaurant outing last week, his is doing 'under' , placement under a chair to make himself tiny and out of the way of everyone in an eating area.
— Stacey G
Posted April 8th 2024
I am very impressed with John’s Knowledge and expertise. Our first session together with my dog was spectacular. In fact, using the techniques that John suggested, it was almost Like having a remote control for my dog. We are very pleased with the results so far And are very excited to see where this training will lead us.
— Brent Poindexter
Posted April 5th 2024
We just signed our dog up for the therapy training program. After one week of training under John's guidance, we feel like we have a different dog! You think you have a well-trained dog until you actually see the difference that professional help can make. John is patient, kind, and incredibly knowledgable. We have followed his advice and tips and will continue to do so because it is working. We can't wait to see the final results!
— Dina Knouse
Posted April 5th 2024
my experience with the Dog Training Elite team has been amazing. With my current service dog getting up in age, and needing to retire I needed a training program that could tailor around my work schedule for my new puppy. I cannot tell you what a savior Dog Training Elite has been. I'm very impressed with their methods and could not have asked for a more patient and empowering trainer than John!
— Stacey Gunthorpe
Posted March 31st 2024
We absolutely recommend dog training elite! The personal approach was just what our rescue dog needed and the instructions gave us, the dog parents many tools for our tool box. We are well on our way to having a well behaved pooch!!!
— Deb Dorn
Posted December 29th 2023
Susan was great. We gained the tools and confidence to keep our dog safe, and safe for others. She told us what to expect every step of the way, and just like she said would be the case, we learned as much as our dog did. Worth every penny, as we know this is just a foundation on which we can now continue to build.
— Cristian Gabriel Cruz
Posted December 5th 2023
This team is awesome, everyone is super friendly and welcoming. Susan was our trainer and she was very knowledgeable and really easy to work. 10 out of 10 would recommend.
— Raymond Caldwell
Posted November 3rd 2023

All Reviews Set Up an Assessment Today!

Dog Training Elite is the top dog training company with the best dog trainers near you in Albuquerque / Santa Fe.

Trust Your Gut

Choosing a trainer is an important part of being a dog owner, and in the end, you want to choose the professional you feel comfortable with. This is someone that you’ll be inviting into your home and spending plenty of time with! A dog trainer with credentials, experience, and a friendly personality that makes your dog’s tail wag is most likely a great choice.

You also want to make sure you get your money’s worth, so choose a trainer that is invested in you and your dog. At Dog Training Elite, we follow up with our clients even after training sessions have ended. Our goal is to help clients build strong relationships with their pets, and that takes consistent effort. Our professional dog trainers are some of the best in the Albuquerque / Santa Fe area. We cover training programs such as obedience, personal protection, anxiety, aggression, and service dog.

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